Leviticus 13:19

13:19 and in the place of the boil there is a white swelling or a reddish white bright spot, he must show himself to the priest.

Leviticus 13:42

13:42 But if there is a reddish white infection in the back or front bald area, it is a disease breaking out in his back or front bald area.

Leviticus 14:32

14:32 This is the law of the one in whom there is a diseased infection, who does not have sufficient means for his purification.”

Leviticus 15:18

15:18 When a man has sexual intercourse with a woman and there is a seminal emission, they must bathe in water and be unclean until evening.

Leviticus 15:23

15:23 If there is something on the bed or on the furniture she sits on, when he touches it he will be unclean until evening,

Leviticus 16:23

The Concluding Rituals

16:23 “Aaron must then enter the Meeting Tent and take off the linen garments which he had put on when he entered the sanctuary, and leave them there.

Leviticus 21:11

21:11 He must not go where there is any dead person; he must not defile himself even for his father and his mother.

Leviticus 24:5

24:5 “You must take choice wheat flour and bake twelve loaves; there must be two tenths of an ephah of flour in each loaf,

Leviticus 24:22

24:22 There will be one regulation for you, whether a foreigner or a native citizen, for I am the Lord your God.’”

Leviticus 25:51

25:51 If there are still many years, in keeping with them he must refund most of the cost of his purchase for his redemption,