Leviticus 11:21

11:21 However, this you may eat from all the winged swarming things that walk on all fours, which have jointed legs to hop with on the land.

Leviticus 11:36

11:36 However, a spring or a cistern which collects water will be clean, but one who touches their carcass will be unclean.

Leviticus 25:54

25:54 If, however, he is not redeemed in these ways, he must go free in the jubilee year, he and his children with him,

Leviticus 26:40

26:40 However, when they confess their iniquity and their ancestors’ iniquity which they committed by trespassing against me, by which they also walked in hostility against me

Leviticus 27:19

27:19 If, however, the one who consecrated the field redeems it, he must add to it one fifth of the conversion price and it will belong to him.