Leviticus 1:10

Animal from the Flock

1:10 “‘If his offering is from the flock for a burnt offering – from the sheep or the goats – he must present a flawless male,

Leviticus 1:14

From the Birds

1:14 “‘If his offering to the Lord is a burnt offering from the birds, he must present his offering from the turtledoves or from the young pigeons.

Leviticus 2:5

2:5 If your offering is a grain offering made on the griddle, it must be choice wheat flour mixed with olive oil, unleavened.

Leviticus 2:7

2:7 If your offering is a grain offering made in a pan, it must be made of choice wheat flour deep fried in olive oil.

Leviticus 3:6

Animal from the Flock

3:6 “‘If his offering for a peace offering sacrifice to the Lord is from the flock, he must present a flawless male or female.

Leviticus 4:27

For the Common Person

4:27 “‘If an ordinary individual sins by straying unintentionally when he violates one of the Lord’s commandments which must not be violated, and he pleads guilty

Leviticus 7:25

7:25 If anyone eats fat from the animal from which he presents a gift to the Lord, that person will be cut off from his people.

Leviticus 12:5

12:5 If she bears a female child, she will be impure fourteen days as during her menstrual flow, and she will remain sixty-six days in blood purity.

Leviticus 13:8

13:8 The priest must then examine it, and if the scab has spread on the skin, then the priest is to pronounce the person unclean. It is a disease.

Leviticus 13:17

13:17 The priest will then examine it, and if the infection has turned white, the priest is to pronounce the person with the infection clean – he is clean.

Leviticus 13:23

13:23 But if the bright spot stays in its place and has not spread, it is the scar of the boil, so the priest is to pronounce him clean.

Leviticus 13:42

13:42 But if there is a reddish white infection in the back or front bald area, it is a disease breaking out in his back or front bald area.

Leviticus 14:3

14:3 The priest is to go outside the camp and examine the infection. If the infection of the diseased person has been healed,

Leviticus 14:39

14:39 The priest must return on the seventh day and examine it, and if the infection has spread in the walls of the house,

Leviticus 14:43-44

14:43 “If the infection returns and breaks out in the house after he has pulled out the stones, scraped the house, and it is replastered, 14:44 the priest is to come and examine it, and if the infection has spread in the house, it is a malignant disease in the house. It is unclean.

Leviticus 15:8

15:8 If the man with a discharge spits on a person who is ceremonially clean, that person must wash his clothes, bathe in water, and be unclean until evening.

Leviticus 15:23

15:23 If there is something on the bed or on the furniture she sits on, when he touches it he will be unclean until evening,

Leviticus 15:28

Purity Regulations from Female Bodily Discharges

15:28 “‘If she becomes clean from her discharge, then she is to count off for herself seven days, and afterward she will be clean.

Leviticus 17:16

17:16 But if he does not wash his clothes and does not bathe his body, he will bear his punishment for iniquity.’”

Leviticus 18:29

18:29 For if anyone does any of these abominations, the persons who do them will be cut off from the midst of their people.

Leviticus 20:9-10

Family Life and Sexual Prohibitions

20:9 “‘If anyone curses his father and mother he must be put to death. He has cursed his father and mother; his blood guilt is on himself. 20:10 If a man commits adultery with his neighbor’s wife, both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.

Leviticus 20:15

20:15 If a man has sexual intercourse with any animal, he must be put to death, and you must kill the animal.

Leviticus 20:20-21

20:20 If a man has sexual intercourse with his aunt, he has exposed his uncle’s nakedness; they must bear responsibility for their sin, they will die childless. 20:21 If a man has sexual intercourse with his brother’s wife, it is indecency. He has exposed his brother’s nakedness; they will be childless.

Leviticus 21:9

21:9 If a daughter of a priest profanes herself by engaging in prostitution, she is profaning her father. She must be burned to death.

Leviticus 22:14

22:14 “‘If a man eats a holy offering by mistake, he must add one fifth to it and give the holy offering to the priest.

Leviticus 22:19

22:19 if it is to be acceptable for your benefit it must be a flawless male from the cattle, sheep, or goats.

Leviticus 24:19

24:19 If a man inflicts an injury on his fellow citizen, just as he has done it must be done to him –

Leviticus 25:14

25:14 If you make a sale to your fellow citizen or buy from your fellow citizen, no one is to wrong his brother.

Leviticus 25:25

25:25 “‘If your brother becomes impoverished and sells some of his property, his near redeemer is to come to you and redeem what his brother sold.

Leviticus 25:35

Debt and Slave Regulations

25:35 “‘If your brother becomes impoverished and is indebted to you, you must support him; he must live with you like a foreign resident.

Leviticus 25:39

25:39 “‘If your brother becomes impoverished with regard to you so that he sells himself to you, you must not subject him to slave service.

Leviticus 25:51-52

25:51 If there are still many years, in keeping with them he must refund most of the cost of his purchase for his redemption, 25:52 but if only a few years remain until the jubilee, he must calculate for himself in keeping with the remaining years and refund it for his redemption.

Leviticus 25:54

25:54 If, however, he is not redeemed in these ways, he must go free in the jubilee year, he and his children with him,

Leviticus 26:15

26:15 if you reject my statutes and abhor my regulations so that you do not keep all my commandments and you break my covenant –

Leviticus 26:18

26:18 “‘If, in spite of all these things, you do not obey me, I will discipline you seven times more on account of your sins.

Leviticus 26:21

26:21 “‘If you walk in hostility against me and are not willing to obey me, I will increase your affliction seven times according to your sins.

Leviticus 26:23

26:23 “‘If in spite of these things you do not allow yourselves to be disciplined and you walk in hostility against me,

Leviticus 27:5

27:5 If the person is from five years old up to twenty years old, the conversion value of the male is twenty shekels, and for the female ten shekels.

Leviticus 27:11

27:11 If what is vowed is an unclean animal from which an offering must not be presented to the Lord, then he must stand the animal before the priest,

Leviticus 27:15

27:15 If the one who consecrates it redeems his house, he must add to it one fifth of its conversion value in silver, and it will belong to him.

Leviticus 27:19

27:19 If, however, the one who consecrated the field redeems it, he must add to it one fifth of the conversion price and it will belong to him.