Joshua 8:9

8:9 Joshua sent them away and they went to their hiding place west of Ai, between Bethel and Ai. Joshua spent that night with the army.

Joshua 7:4

7:4 So about three thousand men went up, but they fled from the men of Ai.

Joshua 8:23

8:23 But they captured the king of Ai alive and brought him to Joshua.

Joshua 8:25-26

8:25 Twelve thousand men and women died that day, including all the men of Ai. 8:26 Joshua kept holding out his curved sword until Israel had annihilated all who lived in Ai.

Joshua 9:3

9:3 When the residents of Gibeon heard what Joshua did to Jericho and Ai,

Joshua 12:9

12:9 the king of Jericho (one),

the king of Ai – located near Bethel – (one),

Joshua 7:2-3

7:2 Joshua sent men from Jericho to Ai (which is located near Beth Aven, east of Bethel) and instructed them, “Go up and spy on the land.” So the men went up and spied on Ai. 7:3 They returned and reported to Joshua, “Don’t send the whole army. About two or three thousand men are adequate to defeat Ai. Don’t tire out the whole army, for Ai is small.”

Joshua 8:18

8:18 The Lord told Joshua, “Hold out toward Ai the curved sword in your hand, for I am handing the city over to you.” So Joshua held out toward Ai the curved sword in his hand.

Joshua 8:24

8:24 When Israel had finished killing all the men of Ai who had chased them toward the desert (they all fell by the sword), all Israel returned to Ai and put the sword to it.

Joshua 8:3

8:3 Joshua and the whole army marched against Ai. Joshua selected thirty thousand brave warriors and sent them out at night.

Joshua 8:12

8:12 He took five thousand men and set an ambush west of the city between Bethel and Ai.

Joshua 8:16

8:16 All the reinforcements in Ai were ordered to chase them; they chased Joshua and were lured away from the city.

Joshua 8:28

8:28 Joshua burned Ai and made it a permanently uninhabited mound (it remains that way to this very day).

Joshua 8:2

8:2 Do to Ai and its king what you did to Jericho and its king, except you may plunder its goods and cattle. Set an ambush behind the city!”

Joshua 8:10-11

8:10 Bright and early the next morning Joshua gathered the army, and he and the leaders of Israel marched at the head of it to Ai. 8:11 All the troops that were with him marched up and drew near the city. They camped north of Ai on the other side of the valley.

Joshua 8:17

8:17 No men were left in Ai or Bethel; they all went out after Israel. They left the city wide open and chased Israel.

Joshua 10:2

10:2 All Jerusalem was terrified because Gibeon was a large city, like one of the royal cities. It was larger than Ai and all its men were warriors.

Joshua 8:1

Israel Conquers Ai

8:1 The Lord told Joshua, “Don’t be afraid and don’t panic! Take the whole army with you and march against Ai! See, I am handing over to you the king of Ai, along with his people, city, and land.