Joshua 2:24--3:1

2:24 They told Joshua, “Surely the Lord is handing over all the land to us! All who live in the land are cringing before us!”

Israel Crosses the Jordan

3:1 Bright and early the next morning Joshua and the Israelites left Shittim and came to the Jordan. They camped there before crossing the river.

Joshua 3:4

3:4 But stay about three thousand feet behind it. Keep your distance so you can see which way you should go, for you have not traveled this way before.”

Joshua 4:14

4:14 That day the Lord brought honor to Joshua before all Israel. They respected him all his life, just as they had respected Moses.

Joshua 6:15

6:15 On the seventh day they were up at the crack of dawn and marched around the city as before – only this time they marched around it seven times.

Joshua 7:23

7:23 They took it all from the middle of the tent, brought it to Joshua and all the Israelites, and placed it before the Lord.

Joshua 8:5-6

8:5 I and all the troops who are with me will approach the city. When they come out to fight us like before, we will retreat from them. 8:6 They will attack us until we have lured them from the city, for they will say, ‘They are retreating from us like before.’ We will retreat from them.

Joshua 8:35

8:35 Joshua read aloud every commandment Moses had given before the whole assembly of Israel, including the women, children, and resident foreigners who lived among them.

Joshua 10:14

10:14 There has not been a day like it before or since. The Lord obeyed a man, for the Lord fought for Israel!

Joshua 18:6

18:6 But as for you, map out the land into seven regions and bring it to me. I will draw lots for you here before the Lord our God.

Joshua 18:10

18:10 Joshua drew lots for them in Shiloh before the Lord and divided the land among the Israelites according to their allotted portions.

Joshua 21:1

Levitical Cities

21:1 The tribal leaders of the Levites went before Eleazar the priest and Joshua son of Nun and the Israelite tribal leaders

Joshua 23:5

23:5 The Lord your God will drive them out from before you and remove them, so you can occupy their land as the Lord your God promised you.

Joshua 23:9

23:9 “The Lord drove out from before you great and mighty nations; no one has been able to resist you to this very day.

Joshua 24:1

Israel Renews its Commitment to the Lord

24:1 Joshua assembled all the Israelite tribes at Shechem. He summoned Israel’s elders, rulers, judges, and leaders, and they appeared before God.

Joshua 24:12

24:12 I sent terror ahead of you to drive out before you the two Amorite kings. I gave you the victory; it was not by your swords or bows.