John 5:13

5:13 But the man who had been healed did not know who it was, for Jesus had slipped out, since there was a crowd in that place.

John 6:10

6:10 Jesus said, “Have the people sit down.” (Now there was a lot of grass in that place.) So the men sat down, about five thousand in number.

John 6:23

6:23 But some boats from Tiberias came to shore near the place where they had eaten the bread after the Lord had given thanks.

John 10:40

10:40 Jesus went back across the Jordan River again to the place where John had been baptizing at an earlier time, and he stayed there.

John 11:30

11:30 (Now Jesus had not yet entered the village, but was still in the place where Martha had come out to meet him.)

John 13:23

13:23 One of his disciples, the one Jesus loved, was at the table to the right of Jesus in a place of honor.

John 18:2

18:2 (Now Judas, the one who betrayed him, knew the place too, because Jesus had met there many times with his disciples.)

John 19:13

19:13 When Pilate heard these words he brought Jesus outside and sat down on the judgment seat in the place called “The Stone Pavement” (Gabbatha in Aramaic).

John 19:41

19:41 Now at the place where Jesus was crucified there was a garden, and in the garden was a new tomb where no one had yet been buried.

John 20:7

20:7 and the face cloth, which had been around Jesus’ head, not lying with the strips of linen cloth but rolled up in a place by itself.