John 1:18

1:18 No one has ever seen God. The only one, himself God, who is in closest fellowship with the Father, has made God known.

John 3:11

3:11 I tell you the solemn truth, we speak about what we know and testify about what we have seen, but you people do not accept our testimony.

John 5:37

5:37 And the Father who sent me has himself testified about me. You people have never heard his voice nor seen his form at any time,

John 8:38

8:38 I am telling you the things I have seen while with the Father; as for you, practice the things you have heard from the Father!”

John 9:8

9:8 Then the neighbors and the people who had seen him previously as a beggar began saying, “Is this not the man who used to sit and beg?”

John 14:7

14:7 If you have known me, you will know my Father too. And from now on you do know him and have seen him.”

John 20:18

20:18 Mary Magdalene came and informed the disciples, “I have seen the Lord!” And she told them what Jesus had said to her.