Job 9:4

9:4 He is wise in heart and mighty in strength –

who has resisted him and remained safe?

Job 10:13

10:13 “But these things you have concealed in your heart;

I know that this is with you:

Job 15:12

15:12 Why has your heart carried you away,

and why do your eyes flash,

Job 17:11

17:11 My days have passed, my plans are shattered,

even the desires of my heart.

Job 22:22

22:22 Accept instruction from his mouth

and store up his words in your heart.

Job 23:16

23:16 Indeed, God has made my heart faint;

the Almighty has terrified me.

Job 30:27

30:27 My heart is in turmoil unceasingly;

the days of my affliction confront me.

Job 31:33

31:33 if I have covered my transgressions as men do,

by hiding iniquity in my heart,

Job 33:3

33:3 My words come from the uprightness of my heart,

and my lips will utter knowledge sincerely.

Job 36:13

36:13 The godless at heart nourish anger,

they do not cry out even when he binds them.

Job 37:1

37:1 At this also my heart pounds

and leaps from its place.

Job 37:24

37:24 Therefore people fear him,

for he does not regard all the wise in heart.”

Job 38:36

38:36 Who has put wisdom in the heart,

or has imparted understanding to the mind?

Job 41:24

41:24 Its heart is hard as rock,

hard as a lower millstone.