Job 9:32

9:32 For he is not a human being like I am,

that I might answer him,

that we might come together in judgment.

Job 16:9

16:9 His anger has torn me and persecuted me;

he has gnashed at me with his teeth;

my adversary locks his eyes on me.

Job 33:24

33:24 and if God is gracious to him and says,

‘Spare him from going down

to the place of corruption,

I have found a ransom for him,’

Job 35:6

35:6 If you sin, how does it affect God?

If your transgressions are many,

what does it do to him?

Job 36:16

36:16 And surely, he drew you from the mouth of distress,

to a wide place, unrestricted,

and to the comfort of your table

filled with rich food.

Job 37:19

37:19 Tell us what we should say to him.

We cannot prepare a case

because of the darkness.