Job 8:10

8:10 Will they not instruct you and speak to you,

and bring forth words

from their understanding?

Job 11:5

11:5 But if only God would speak,

if only he would open his lips against you,

Job 13:22

13:22 Then call, and I will answer,

or I will speak, and you respond to me.

Job 21:3

21:3 Bear with me and I will speak,

and after I have spoken you may mock.

Job 27:4

27:4 my lips will not speak wickedness,

and my tongue will whisper no deceit.

Job 32:7

32:7 I said to myself, ‘Age should speak,

and length of years should make wisdom known.’

Job 33:31

33:31 Pay attention, Job – listen to me;

be silent, and I will speak.

Job 36:3

36:3 With my knowledge I will speak comprehensively,

and to my Creator I will ascribe righteousness.

Job 41:3

41:3 Will it make numerous supplications to you,

will it speak to you with tender words?