Job 7:8

7:8 The eye of him who sees me now will see me no more;

your eyes will look for me, but I will be gone.

Job 9:32

9:32 For he is not a human being like I am,

that I might answer him,

that we might come together in judgment.

Job 20:25-26

20:25 When he pulls it out and it comes out of his back,

the gleaming point out of his liver,

terrors come over him.

20:26 Total darkness waits to receive his treasures;

a fire which has not been kindled

will consume him

and devour what is left in his tent.

Job 21:19

21:19 You may say, ‘God stores up a man’s punishment for his children!’

Instead let him repay the man himself

so that he may know it!

Job 22:2-3

22:2 “Is it to God that a strong man is of benefit?

Is it to him that even a wise man is profitable?

22:3 Is it of any special benefit to the Almighty

that you should be righteous,

or is it any gain to him

that you make your ways blameless?

Job 22:14

22:14 Thick clouds are a veil for him, so he does not see us,

as he goes back and forth

in the vault of heaven.’

Job 24:22

24:22 But God drags off the mighty by his power;

when God rises up against him, he has no faith in his life.

Job 26:14

26:14 Indeed, these are but the outer fringes of his ways!

How faint is the whisper we hear of him!

But who can understand the thunder of his power?”

Job 33:23

33:23 If there is an angel beside him,

one mediator out of a thousand,

to tell a person what constitutes his uprightness;

Job 34:11

34:11 For he repays a person for his work,

and according to the conduct of a person,

he causes the consequences to find him.

Job 34:28

34:28 so that they caused the cry of the poor

to come before him,

so that he hears the cry of the needy.

Job 37:23

37:23 As for the Almighty, we cannot attain to him!

He is great in power,

but justice and abundant righteousness he does not oppress.