Job 7:8

7:8 The eye of him who sees me now will see me no more;

your eyes will look for me, but I will be gone.

Job 10:3

10:3 Is it good for you to oppress,

to despise the work of your hands,

while you smile

on the schemes of the wicked?

Job 10:7

10:7 although you know that I am not guilty,

and that there is no one who can deliver

out of your hand?

Job 11:6

11:6 and reveal to you the secrets of wisdom –

for true wisdom has two sides –

so that you would know

that God has forgiven some of your sins.

Job 14:5

14:5 Since man’s days are determined,

the number of his months is under your control;

you have set his limit and he cannot pass it.

Job 14:13

The Possibility of Another Life

14:13 “O that you would hide me in Sheol,

and conceal me till your anger has passed!

O that you would set me a time

and then remember me!

Job 22:3

22:3 Is it of any special benefit to the Almighty

that you should be righteous,

or is it any gain to him

that you make your ways blameless?

Job 32:11

32:11 Look, I waited for you to speak;

I listened closely to your wise thoughts,while you were searching for words.

Job 34:33

34:33 Is it your opinion that God should recompense it,

because you reject this?

But you must choose, and not I,

so tell us what you know.

Job 36:16

36:16 And surely, he drew you from the mouth of distress,

to a wide place, unrestricted,

and to the comfort of your table

filled with rich food.