Job 7:3

7:3 thus I have been made to inherit

months of futility,

and nights of sorrow

have been appointed to me.

Job 14:15

14:15 You will call and I – I will answer you;

you will long for the creature you have made.

Job 17:6

17:6 He has made me a byword to people,

I am the one in whose face they spit.

Job 27:2

27:2 “As surely as God lives, who has denied me justice,

the Almighty, who has made my life bitter –

Job 28:18

28:18 Of coral and jasper no mention will be made;

the price of wisdom is more than pearls.

Job 29:13

29:13 the blessing of the dying man descended on me,

and I made the widow’s heart rejoice;

Job 40:19

40:19 It ranks first among the works of God,

the One who made it

has furnished it with a sword.