Job 6:7

6:7 I have refused to touch such things;

they are like loathsome food to me.

Job 6:22

Friends’ Fears

6:22 “Have I ever said, ‘Give me something,

and from your fortune make gifts in my favor’?

Job 7:13

7:13 If I say, “My bed will comfort me,

my couch will ease my complaint,”

Job 9:2

9:2 “Truly, I know that this is so.

But how can a human be just before God?

Job 9:14

The Impossibility of Facing God in Court

9:14 “How much less, then, can I answer him

and choose my words to argue with him!

Job 9:22

Accusation of God’s Justice

9:22 “It is all one! That is why I say,

‘He destroys the blameless and the guilty.’

Job 9:30

9:30 If I wash myself with snow water,

and make my hands clean with lye,

Job 10:13

10:13 “But these things you have concealed in your heart;

I know that this is with you:

Job 10:21

10:21 before I depart, never to return,

to the land of darkness

and the deepest shadow,

Job 11:4

11:4 For you have said, ‘My teaching is flawless,

and I am pure in your sight.’

Job 13:14

13:14 Why do I put myself in peril,

and take my life in my hands?

Job 13:19

13:19 Who will contend with me?

If anyone can, I will be silent and die.

Job 13:28

13:28 So I waste away like something rotten,

like a garment eaten by moths.

Job 15:6

15:6 Your own mouth condemns you, not I;

your own lips testify against you.

Job 16:2

16:2 “I have heard many things like these before.

What miserable comforters are you all!

Job 16:15

16:15 I have sewed sackcloth on my skin,

and buried my horn in the dust;

Job 19:4

19:4 But even if it were true that I have erred,

my error remains solely my concern!

Job 19:8

19:8 He has blocked my way so I cannot pass,

and has set darkness over my paths.

Job 19:17-19

19:17 My breath is repulsive to my wife;

I am loathsome to my brothers.

19:18 Even youngsters have scorned me;

when I get up, they scoff at me.

19:19 All my closest friends detest me;

and those whom I love have turned against me.

Job 19:26

19:26 And after my skin has been destroyed,

yet in my flesh I will see God,

Job 20:3

20:3 When I hear a reproof that dishonors me,

then my understanding prompts me to answer.

Job 21:4

21:4 Is my complaint against a man?

If so, why should I not be impatient?

Job 21:27

Futile Words, Deceptive Answers

21:27 “Yes, I know what you are thinking,

the schemes by which you would wrong me.

Job 29:7

29:7 When I went out to the city gate

and secured my seat in the public square,

Job 29:15

29:15 I was eyes for the blind

and feet for the lame;

Job 29:17

29:17 I broke the fangs of the wicked,

and made him drop his prey from his teeth.

Job 29:22

29:22 After I had spoken, they did not respond;

my words fell on them drop by drop.

Job 30:19

30:19 He has flung me into the mud,

and I have come to resemble dust and ashes.

Job 30:25

30:25 Have I not wept for the unfortunate?

Was not my soul grieved for the poor?

Job 30:29

30:29 I have become a brother to jackals

and a companion of ostriches.

Job 31:5

31:5 If I have walked in falsehood,

and if my foot has hastened to deceit –

Job 31:29

31:29 If I have rejoiced over the misfortune of my enemy

or exulted because calamity found him –

Job 31:33

31:33 if I have covered my transgressions as men do,

by hiding iniquity in my heart,

Job 31:39

31:39 if I have eaten its produce without paying,

or caused the death of its owners,

Job 32:7

32:7 I said to myself, ‘Age should speak,

and length of years should make wisdom known.’

Job 32:18-19

32:18 For I am full of words,

and the spirit within me constrains me.

32:19 Inside I am like wine which has no outlet,

like new wineskins ready to burst!

Job 33:1-2

Elihu Invites Job’s Attention

33:1 “But now, O Job, listen to my words,

and hear everything I have to say!

33:2 See now, I have opened my mouth;

my tongue in my mouth has spoken.

Job 33:8

Elihu Rejects Job’s Plea of Innocence

33:8 “Indeed, you have said in my hearing

(I heard the sound of the words!):

Job 33:31

33:31 Pay attention, Job – listen to me;

be silent, and I will speak.

Job 33:33

33:33 If not, you listen to me;

be silent, and I will teach you wisdom.”

Job 34:5

34:5 For Job says, ‘I am innocent,

but God turns away my right.

Job 34:16

God Is Impartial and Omniscient

34:16 “If you have understanding, listen to this,

hear what I have to say.

Job 35:3-4

35:3 But you say, ‘What will it profit you,’

and, ‘What do I gain by not sinning?’

35:4 I will reply to you,

and to your friends with you.

Job 38:9-10

38:9 when I made the storm clouds its garment,

and thick darkness its swaddling band,

38:10 when I prescribed its limits,

and set in place its bolts and doors,

Job 38:23

38:23 which I reserve for the time of trouble,

for the day of war and battle?

Job 39:6

39:6 to whom I appointed the steppe for its home,

the salt wastes as its dwelling place?

Job 40:14

40:14 Then I myself will acknowledge to you

that your own right hand can save you.

Job 41:11

41:11 (Who has confronted me that I should repay?

Everything under heaven belongs to me!)

Job 42:2

42:2 “I know that you can do all things;

no purpose of yours can be thwarted;