Job 6:30

6:30 Is there any falsehood on my lips?

Can my mouth not discern evil things?

Job 9:2

9:2 “Truly, I know that this is so.

But how can a human be just before God?

Job 9:14

The Impossibility of Facing God in Court

9:14 “How much less, then, can I answer him

and choose my words to argue with him!

Job 11:10

11:10 If he comes by and confines you

and convenes a court,

then who can prevent him?

Job 13:19

13:19 Who will contend with me?

If anyone can, I will be silent and die.

Job 14:4

14:4 Who can make a clean thing come from an unclean?

No one!

Job 21:22

21:22 Can anyone teach God knowledge,

since he judges those that are on high?

Job 23:13

23:13 But he is unchangeable, and who can change him?

Whatever he has desired, he does.

Job 25:3

25:3 Can his armies be numbered?

On whom does his light not rise?

Job 28:12

No Price Can Buy Wisdom

28:12 “But wisdom – where can it be found?

Where is the place of understanding?

Job 34:22

34:22 There is no darkness, and no deep darkness,

where evildoers can hide themselves.

Job 34:26

34:26 He strikes them for their wickedness,

in a place where people can see,

Job 36:29

36:29 Who can understand the spreading of the clouds,

the thunderings of his pavilion?

Job 38:31-32

38:31 Can you tie the bands of the Pleiades,

or release the cords of Orion?

38:32 Can you lead out

the constellations in their seasons,

or guide the Bear with its cubs?

Job 38:34

38:34 Can you raise your voice to the clouds

so that a flood of water covers you?

Job 40:14

40:14 Then I myself will acknowledge to you

that your own right hand can save you.

Job 40:24--41:2

40:24 Can anyone catch it by its eyes,

or pierce its nose with a snare?

The Description of Leviathan

41:1 (40:25) “Can you pull in Leviathan with a hook,

and tie down its tongue with a rope?

41:2 Can you put a cord through its nose,

or pierce its jaw with a hook?

Job 41:7

41:7 Can you fill its hide with harpoons

or its head with fishing spears?

Job 41:14

41:14 Who can open the doors of its mouth?

Its teeth all around are fearsome.

Job 41:16

41:16 each one is so close to the next

that no air can come between them.