Job 6:1

Job Replies to Eliphaz

6:1 Then Job responded:

Job 9:1

Job’s Reply to Bildad

9:1 Then Job answered:

Job 12:1

Job’s Reply to Zophar

12:1 Then Job answered:

Job 16:1

Job’s Reply to Eliphaz

16:1 Then Job replied:

Job 19:1

Job’s Reply to Bildad

19:1 Then Job answered:

Job 21:1

Job’s Reply to Zophar

21:1 Then Job answered:

Job 23:1

Job’s Reply to Eliphaz

23:1 Then Job answered:

Job 26:1

Job’s Reply to Bildad

26:1 Then Job replied:

Job 3:2

3:2 Job spoke up and said:

Job 29:1

IV. Job’s Concluding Soliloquy (29:1-31:40)

Job Recalls His Former Condition

29:1 Then Job continued his speech:

Job 40:1

Job’s Reply to God’s Challenge

40:1 Then the Lord answered Job:

Job 40:3

40:3 Then Job answered the Lord:

Job 42:1

Job’s Confession

42:1 Then Job answered the Lord:

Job 27:1

A Protest of Innocence

27:1 And Job took up his discourse again:

Job 34:7

34:7 What man is like Job,

who drinks derision like water!

Job 38:1

VI. The Divine Speeches (38:1-42:6)

The Lord’s First Speech

38:1 Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind:

Job 40:6

The Lord’s Second Speech

40:6 Then the Lord answered Job from the whirlwind:

Job 42:17

42:17 And so Job died, old and full of days.