Job 5:4

5:4 His children are far from safety,

and they are crushed at the place where judgment is rendered,

nor is there anyone to deliver them.

Job 16:4

16:4 I also could speak like you,

if you were in my place;

I could pile up words against you

and I could shake my head at you.

Job 18:4

18:4 You who tear yourself to pieces in your anger,

will the earth be abandoned for your sake?

Or will a rock be moved from its place?

Job 18:21

18:21 ‘Surely such is the residence of an evil man;

and this is the place of one who has not known God.’”

Job 20:9

20:9 People who had seen him will not see him again,

and the place where he was

will recognize him no longer.

Job 33:24

33:24 and if God is gracious to him and says,

‘Spare him from going down

to the place of corruption,

I have found a ransom for him,’

Job 36:16

36:16 And surely, he drew you from the mouth of distress,

to a wide place, unrestricted,

and to the comfort of your table

filled with rich food.