Job 5:20

5:20 In time of famine he will redeem you from death,

and in time of war from the power of the sword.

Job 24:22

24:22 But God drags off the mighty by his power;

when God rises up against him, he has no faith in his life.

Job 26:14

26:14 Indeed, these are but the outer fringes of his ways!

How faint is the whisper we hear of him!

But who can understand the thunder of his power?”

Job 27:11

27:11 I will teach you about the power of God;

What is on the Almighty’s mind I will not conceal.

Job 35:9

35:9 “People cry out

because of the excess of oppression;

they cry out for help

because of the power of the mighty.

Job 37:23

37:23 As for the Almighty, we cannot attain to him!

He is great in power,

but justice and abundant righteousness he does not oppress.