Job 5:19

5:19 He will deliver you from six calamities;

yes, in seven no evil will touch you.

Job 8:10

8:10 Will they not instruct you and speak to you,

and bring forth words

from their understanding?

Job 10:4

Motivations of God

10:4 “Do you have eyes of flesh,

or do you see as a human being sees?

Job 10:9

10:9 Remember that you have made me as with the clay;

will you return me to dust?

Job 10:13

10:13 “But these things you have concealed in your heart;

I know that this is with you:

Job 11:7

11:7 “Can you discover the essence of God?

Can you find out

the perfection of the Almighty?

Job 11:16

11:16 For you will forget your trouble;

you will remember it

like water that has flowed away.

Job 12:2

12:2 “Without a doubt you are the people,

and wisdom will die with you.

Job 13:2

13:2 What you know, I know also;

I am not inferior to you!

Job 13:4-5

13:4 But you, however, are inventors of lies;

all of you are worthless physicians!

13:5 If only you would keep completely silent!

For you, that would be wisdom.

Job 13:7-8

13:7 Will you speak wickedly on God’s behalf?

Will you speak deceitfully for him?

13:8 Will you show him partiality?

Will you argue the case for God?

Job 13:11

13:11 Would not his splendor terrify you

and the fear he inspires fall on you?

Job 14:16

The Present Condition

14:16 “Surely now you count my steps;

then you would not mark my sin.

Job 15:6-8

15:6 Your own mouth condemns you, not I;

your own lips testify against you.

15:7 “Were you the first man ever born?

Were you brought forth before the hills?

15:8 Do you listen in on God’s secret council?

Do you limit wisdom to yourself?

Job 16:3

16:3 Will there be an end to your windy words?

Or what provokes you that you answer?

Job 17:4

17:4 Because you have closed their minds to understanding,

therefore you will not exalt them.

Job 19:3

19:3 These ten times you have been reproaching me;

you are not ashamed to attack me!

Job 19:22

19:22 Why do you pursue me like God does?

Will you never be satiated with my flesh?

Job 21:27

Futile Words, Deceptive Answers

21:27 “Yes, I know what you are thinking,

the schemes by which you would wrong me.

Job 21:29

21:29 Have you never questioned those who travel the roads?

Do you not recognize their accounts –

Job 22:4

22:4 Is it because of your piety that he rebukes you

and goes to judgment with you?

Job 22:7

22:7 You gave the weary no water to drink

and from the hungry you withheld food.

Job 22:9-11

22:9 you sent widows away empty-handed,

and the arms of the orphans you crushed.

22:10 That is why snares surround you,

and why sudden fear terrifies you,

22:11 why it is so dark you cannot see,

and why a flood of water covers you.

Job 26:2

26:2 “How you have helped the powerless!

How you have saved the person who has no strength!

Job 30:21

30:21 You have become cruel to me;

with the strength of your hand you attack me.

Job 33:7

33:7 Therefore no fear of me should terrify you,

nor should my pressure be heavy on you.

Job 33:33

33:33 If not, you listen to me;

be silent, and I will teach you wisdom.”

Job 34:2

34:2 “Listen to my words, you wise men;

hear me, you learned men.

Job 35:2-4

35:2 “Do you think this to be just:

when you say, ‘My right before God.’

35:3 But you say, ‘What will it profit you,’

and, ‘What do I gain by not sinning?’

35:4 I will reply to you,

and to your friends with you.

Job 38:18

38:18 Have you considered the vast expanses of the earth?

Tell me, if you know it all!

Job 38:21

38:21 You know, for you were born before them;

and the number of your days is great!

Job 38:34

38:34 Can you raise your voice to the clouds

so that a flood of water covers you?

Job 39:19

39:19 “Do you give the horse its strength?

Do you clothe its neck with a mane?

Job 40:14

40:14 Then I myself will acknowledge to you

that your own right hand can save you.

Job 41:3

41:3 Will it make numerous supplications to you,

will it speak to you with tender words?