Job 5:17

5:17 “Therefore, blessed is the man whom God corrects,

so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty.

Job 6:26

6:26 Do you intend to criticize mere words,

and treat the words of a despairing man as wind?

Job 7:16

7:16 I loathe it; I do not want to live forever;

leave me alone, for my days are a vapor!

Job 8:9

8:9 For we were born yesterday and do not have knowledge,

since our days on earth are but a shadow.

Job 10:2

10:2 I will say to God, ‘Do not condemn me;

tell me why you are contending with me.’

Job 11:8

11:8 It is higher than the heavens – what can you do?

It is deeper than Sheol – what can you know?

Job 11:14

11:14 if iniquity is in your hand – put it far away,

and do not let evil reside in your tents.

Job 16:18

An Appeal to God as Witness

16:18 “O earth, do not cover my blood,

nor let there be a secret place for my cry.

Job 21:14

21:14 So they say to God, ‘Turn away from us!

We do not want to know your ways.

Job 22:17

22:17 They were saying to God, ‘Turn away from us,’

and ‘What can the Almighty do to us?’

Job 23:8

The Inaccessibility and Power of God

23:8 “If I go to the east, he is not there,

and to the west, yet I do not perceive him.

Job 24:1

The Apparent Indifference of God

24:1 “Why are times not appointed by the Almighty?

Why do those who know him not see his days?

Job 26:8

26:8 He locks the waters in his clouds,

and the clouds do not burst with the weight of them.

Job 27:12

27:12 If you yourselves have all seen this,

Why in the world do you continue this meaningless talk?

Job 27:15

27:15 Those who survive him are buried by the plague,

and their widows do not mourn for them.

Job 27:19

27:19 He goes to bed wealthy, but will do so no more.

When he opens his eyes, it is all gone.

Job 30:20

30:20 I cry out to you, but you do not answer me;

I stand up, and you only look at me.

Job 31:14

31:14 then what will I do when God confronts me in judgment;

when he intervenes,

how will I respond to him?

Job 32:16

32:16 And I have waited. But because they do not speak,

because they stand there and answer no more,

Job 33:13

33:13 Why do you contend against him,

that he does not answer all a person’s words?

Job 34:17

34:17 Do you really think

that one who hates justice can govern?

And will you declare guilty

the supremely righteous One,

Job 34:32

34:32 Teach me what I cannot see.

If I have done evil, I will do so no more.’

Job 35:6-7

35:6 If you sin, how does it affect God?

If your transgressions are many,

what does it do to him?

35:7 If you are righteous, what do you give to God,

or what does he receive from your hand?

Job 36:18

36:18 Be careful that no one entices you with riches;

do not let a large bribe turn you aside.

Job 36:21

36:21 Take heed, do not turn to evil,

for because of this you have been tested by affliction.

Job 37:16

37:16 Do you know about the balancing of the clouds,

that wondrous activity of him who is perfect in knowledge?

Job 38:33

38:33 Do you know the laws of the heavens,

or can you set up their rule over the earth?

Job 39:4

39:4 Their young grow strong, and grow up in the open;

they go off, and do not return to them.

Job 40:9

40:9 Do you have an arm as powerful as God’s,

and can you thunder with a voice like his?

Job 41:8

41:8 If you lay your hand on it,

you will remember the fight,

and you will never do it again!