Job 4:7

4:7 Call to mind now:

Who, being innocent, ever perished?

And where were upright people ever destroyed?

Job 19:4

19:4 But even if it were true that I have erred,

my error remains solely my concern!

Job 19:24

19:24 that with an iron chisel and with lead

they were engraved in a rock forever!

Job 22:8

22:8 Although you were a powerful man, owning land,

an honored man living on it,

Job 29:5

29:5 when the Almighty was still with me

and my children were around me;

Job 30:5

30:5 They were banished from the community –

people shouted at them

like they would shout at thieves –

Job 30:7-8

30:7 They brayed like animals among the bushes

and were huddled together under the nettles.

30:8 Sons of senseless and nameless people,

they were driven out of the land with whips.

Job 32:4

32:4 Now Elihu had waited before speaking to Job, because the others were older than he was.

Job 33:21

33:21 His flesh wastes away from sight,

and his bones, which were not seen,

are easily visible.

Job 38:6

38:6 On what were its bases set,

or who laid its cornerstone –

Job 38:21

38:21 You know, for you were born before them;

and the number of your days is great!