Job 4:5

4:5 But now the same thing comes to you,

and you are discouraged;

it strikes you,

and you are terrified.

Job 5:27

5:27 Look, we have investigated this, so it is true.

Hear it, and apply it for your own good.”

Job 7:19

7:19 Will you never look away from me,

will you not let me alone

long enough to swallow my spittle?

Job 17:3

17:3 Make then my pledge with you.

Who else will put up security for me?

Job 22:11

22:11 why it is so dark you cannot see,

and why a flood of water covers you.

Job 26:4

26:4 To whom did you utter these words?

And whose spirit has come forth from your mouth?

Job 39:10

39:10 Can you bind the wild ox to a furrow with its rope,

will it till the valleys, following after you?