Job 4:4

4:4 Your words have supported those

who stumbled,

and you have strengthened the knees

that gave way.

Job 6:27

6:27 Yes, you would gamble for the fatherless,

and auction off your friend.

Job 7:14

7:14 then you scare me with dreams

and terrify me with visions,

Job 7:18

7:18 And that you visit them every morning,

and try them every moment?

Job 8:5

8:5 But if you will look to God,

and make your supplication to the Almighty,

Job 9:28

9:28 I dread all my sufferings,

for I know that you do not hold me blameless.

Job 9:31

9:31 then you plunge me into a slimy pit

and my own clothes abhor me.

Job 10:6

10:6 that you must search out my iniquity,

and inquire about my sin,

Job 10:8

Contradictions in God’s Dealings

10:8 “Your hands have shaped me and made me,

but now you destroy me completely.

Job 10:10-12

10:10 Did you not pour me out like milk,

and curdle me like cheese?

10:11 You clothed me with skin and flesh

and knit me together with bones and sinews.

10:12 You gave me life and favor,

and your intervention watched over my spirit.

Job 11:4-5

11:4 For you have said, ‘My teaching is flawless,

and I am pure in your sight.’

11:5 But if only God would speak,

if only he would open his lips against you,

Job 11:10

11:10 If he comes by and confines you

and convenes a court,

then who can prevent him?

Job 13:22

13:22 Then call, and I will answer,

or I will speak, and you respond to me.

Job 13:24-25

13:24 Why do you hide your face

and regard me as your enemy?

13:25 Do you wish to torment a windblown leaf

and chase after dry chaff?

Job 14:17

14:17 My offenses would be sealed up in a bag;

you would cover over my sin.

Job 15:4-5

15:4 But you even break off piety,

and hinder meditation before God.

15:5 Your sin inspires your mouth;

you choose the language of the crafty.

Job 15:12-13

15:12 Why has your heart carried you away,

and why do your eyes flash,

15:13 when you turn your rage against God

and allow such words to escape from your mouth?

Job 15:17

15:17 “I will explain to you;

listen to me,

and what I have seen, I will declare,

Job 16:2

16:2 “I have heard many things like these before.

What miserable comforters are you all!

Job 16:7

16:7 Surely now he has worn me out,

you have devastated my entire household.

Job 17:3

17:3 Make then my pledge with you.

Who else will put up security for me?

Job 19:2

19:2 “How long will you torment me

and crush me with your words?

Job 19:5

19:5 If indeed you would exalt yourselves above me

and plead my disgrace against me,

Job 21:2-3

21:2 “Listen carefully to my words;

let this be the consolation you offer me.

21:3 Bear with me and I will speak,

and after I have spoken you may mock.

Job 22:8

22:8 Although you were a powerful man, owning land,

an honored man living on it,

Job 22:13

22:13 But you have said, ‘What does God know?

Does he judge through such deep darkness?

Job 22:15

22:15 Will you keep to the old path

that evil men have walked –

Job 22:25

22:25 then the Almighty himself will be your gold,

and the choicest silver for you.

Job 26:3-4

26:3 How you have advised the one without wisdom,

and abundantly revealed your insight!

26:4 To whom did you utter these words?

And whose spirit has come forth from your mouth?

Job 33:8

Elihu Rejects Job’s Plea of Innocence

33:8 “Indeed, you have said in my hearing

(I heard the sound of the words!):

Job 34:16

God Is Impartial and Omniscient

34:16 “If you have understanding, listen to this,

hear what I have to say.

Job 35:5

35:5 Gaze at the heavens and see;

consider the clouds, which are higher than you!

Job 37:15

37:15 Do you know how God commands them,

how he makes lightning flash in his storm cloud?

Job 37:17-18

37:17 You, whose garments are hot

when the earth is still because of the south wind,

37:18 will you, with him, spread out the clouds,

solid as a mirror of molten metal?

Job 38:5

38:5 Who set its measurements – if you know –

or who stretched a measuring line across it?

Job 38:12

38:12 Have you ever in your life commanded the morning,

or made the dawn know its place,

Job 38:20

38:20 that you may take them to their borders

and perceive the pathways to their homes?

Job 38:22

38:22 Have you entered the storehouse of the snow,

or seen the armory of the hail,

Job 38:31-32

38:31 Can you tie the bands of the Pleiades,

or release the cords of Orion?

38:32 Can you lead out

the constellations in their seasons,

or guide the Bear with its cubs?

Job 38:39

38:39 “Do you hunt prey for the lioness,

and satisfy the appetite of the lions,

Job 39:20

39:20 Do you make it leap like a locust?

Its proud neighing is terrifying!

Job 41:1-2

The Description of Leviathan

41:1 (40:25) “Can you pull in Leviathan with a hook,

and tie down its tongue with a rope?

41:2 Can you put a cord through its nose,

or pierce its jaw with a hook?

Job 41:7

41:7 Can you fill its hide with harpoons

or its head with fishing spears?

Job 42:2

42:2 “I know that you can do all things;

no purpose of yours can be thwarted;