Job 4:4

4:4 Your words have supported those

who stumbled,

and you have strengthened the knees

that gave way.

Job 6:22

Friends’ Fears

6:22 “Have I ever said, ‘Give me something,

and from your fortune make gifts in my favor’?

Job 6:25

6:25 How painful are honest words!

But what does your reproof prove?

Job 6:27

6:27 Yes, you would gamble for the fatherless,

and auction off your friend.

Job 8:4-5

8:4 If your children sinned against him,

he gave them over to the penalty of their sin.

8:5 But if you will look to God,

and make your supplication to the Almighty,

Job 10:8

Contradictions in God’s Dealings

10:8 “Your hands have shaped me and made me,

but now you destroy me completely.

Job 10:12-13

10:12 You gave me life and favor,

and your intervention watched over my spirit.

10:13 “But these things you have concealed in your heart;

I know that this is with you:

Job 11:4

11:4 For you have said, ‘My teaching is flawless,

and I am pure in your sight.’

Job 11:13

11:13 “As for you, if you prove faithful,

and if you stretch out your hands toward him,

Job 11:16

11:16 For you will forget your trouble;

you will remember it

like water that has flowed away.

Job 13:17

13:17 Listen carefully to my words;

let your ears be attentive to my explanation.

Job 16:3

16:3 Will there be an end to your windy words?

Or what provokes you that you answer?

Job 18:3

18:3 Why should we be regarded as beasts,

and considered stupid in your sight?

Job 19:2

19:2 “How long will you torment me

and crush me with your words?

Job 22:4

22:4 Is it because of your piety that he rebukes you

and goes to judgment with you?

Job 22:22

22:22 Accept instruction from his mouth

and store up his words in your heart.

Job 22:25

22:25 then the Almighty himself will be your gold,

and the choicest silver for you.

Job 26:3-4

26:3 How you have advised the one without wisdom,

and abundantly revealed your insight!

26:4 To whom did you utter these words?

And whose spirit has come forth from your mouth?

Job 30:21

30:21 You have become cruel to me;

with the strength of your hand you attack me.

Job 35:4

35:4 I will reply to you,

and to your friends with you.

Job 38:12

38:12 Have you ever in your life commanded the morning,

or made the dawn know its place,

Job 38:21

38:21 You know, for you were born before them;

and the number of your days is great!

Job 38:34

38:34 Can you raise your voice to the clouds

so that a flood of water covers you?

Job 39:26-27

39:26 “Is it by your understanding that the hawk soars,

and spreads its wings toward the south?

39:27 Is it at your command that the eagle soars,

and builds its nest on high?

Job 40:11

40:11 Scatter abroad the abundance of your anger.

Look at every proud man and bring him low;

Job 40:14

40:14 Then I myself will acknowledge to you

that your own right hand can save you.