Job 4:21

4:21 Is not their excess wealth taken away from them?

They die, yet without attaining wisdom.

Job 11:16

11:16 For you will forget your trouble;

you will remember it

like water that has flowed away.

Job 12:20

12:20 He deprives the trusted advisers of speech

and takes away the discernment of elders.

Job 13:28

13:28 So I waste away like something rotten,

like a garment eaten by moths.

Job 14:11

14:11 As water disappears from the sea,

or a river drains away and dries up,

Job 15:12

15:12 Why has your heart carried you away,

and why do your eyes flash,

Job 18:13

18:13 It eats away parts of his skin;

the most terrible death devours his limbs.

Job 19:13

Job’s Forsaken State

19:13 “He has put my relatives far from me;

my acquaintances only turn away from me.

Job 22:9

22:9 you sent widows away empty-handed,

and the arms of the orphans you crushed.

Job 27:23

27:23 It claps its hands at him in derision

and hisses him away from his place.

Job 33:21

33:21 His flesh wastes away from sight,

and his bones, which were not seen,

are easily visible.

Job 34:5

34:5 For Job says, ‘I am innocent,

but God turns away my right.

Job 34:27

34:27 because they have turned away from following him,

and have not understood any of his ways,

Job 36:20

36:20 Do not long for the cover of night

to drag people away from their homes.

Job 39:22

39:22 It laughs at fear and is not dismayed;

it does not shy away from the sword.