Job 4:20

4:20 They are destroyed between morning and evening;

they perish forever without anyone regarding it.

Job 6:20

6:20 They were distressed,

because each one had been so confident;

they arrived there, but were disappointed.

Job 24:8

24:8 They are soaked by mountain rains

and huddle in the rocks because they lack shelter.

Job 24:10

24:10 They go about naked, without clothing,

and go hungry while they carry the sheaves.

Job 30:5

30:5 They were banished from the community –

people shouted at them

like they would shout at thieves –

Job 30:10

30:10 They detest me and maintain their distance;

they do not hesitate to spit in my face.

Job 30:13-14

30:13 They destroy my path;

they succeed in destroying me

without anyone assisting them.

30:14 They come in as through a wide breach;

amid the crash they come rolling in.

Job 32:15

Job’s Friends Failed to Answer

32:15 “They are dismayed and cannot answer any more;

they have nothing left to say.

Job 38:40

38:40 when they crouch in their dens,

when they wait in ambush in the thicket?

Job 41:17

41:17 They lock tightly together, one to the next;

they cling together and cannot be separated.