Job 4:18

4:18 If God puts no trust in his servants

and attributes folly to his angels,

Job 15:27

15:27 Because he covered his face with fat,

and made his hips bulge with fat,

Job 15:32

15:32 Before his time he will be paid in full,

and his branches will not flourish.

Job 17:5

17:5 If a man denounces his friends for personal gain,

the eyes of his children will fail.

Job 18:6-7

18:6 The light in his tent grows dark;

his lamp above him is extinguished.

18:7 His vigorous steps are restricted,

and his own counsel throws him down.

Job 18:13

18:13 It eats away parts of his skin;

the most terrible death devours his limbs.

Job 18:15

18:15 Fire resides in his tent;

over his residence burning sulfur is scattered.

Job 19:11

19:11 Thus his anger burns against me,

and he considers me among his enemies.

Job 20:6

20:6 Even though his stature reaches to the heavens

and his head touches the clouds,

Job 20:12

20:12 “If evil is sweet in his mouth

and he hides it under his tongue,

Job 20:14

20:14 his food is turned sour in his stomach;

it becomes the venom of serpents within him.

Job 21:20

21:20 Let his own eyes see his destruction;

let him drink of the anger of the Almighty.

Job 21:24

21:24 his body well nourished,

and the marrow of his bones moist.

Job 22:22

22:22 Accept instruction from his mouth

and store up his words in your heart.

Job 23:14

23:14 For he fulfills his decree against me,

and many such things are his plans.

Job 25:3

25:3 Can his armies be numbered?

On whom does his light not rise?

Job 26:13

26:13 By his breath the skies became fair;

his hand pierced the fleeing serpent.

Job 27:14

27:14 If his children increase – it is for the sword!

His offspring never have enough to eat.

Job 29:17

29:17 I broke the fangs of the wicked,

and made him drop his prey from his teeth.

Job 33:20-21

33:20 so that his life loathes food,

and his soul rejects appetizing fare.

33:21 His flesh wastes away from sight,

and his bones, which were not seen,

are easily visible.

Job 37:2

37:2 Listen carefully to the thunder of his voice,

to the rumbling that proceeds from his mouth.