Job 3:7

3:7 Indeed, let that night be barren;

let no shout of joy penetrate it!

Job 8:19

8:19 Indeed, this is the joy of his way,

and out of the earth others spring up.

Job 13:1

Job Pleads His Cause to God

13:1 “Indeed, my eyes have seen all this,

my ears have heard and understood it.

Job 19:5

19:5 If indeed you would exalt yourselves above me

and plead my disgrace against me,

Job 23:16

23:16 Indeed, God has made my heart faint;

the Almighty has terrified me.

Job 33:8

Elihu Rejects Job’s Plea of Innocence

33:8 “Indeed, you have said in my hearing

(I heard the sound of the words!):

Job 33:29

Elihu’s Appeal to Job

33:29 “Indeed, God does all these things,

twice, three times, in his dealings with a person,

Job 34:12

34:12 Indeed, in truth, God does not act wickedly,

and the Almighty does not pervert justice.

Job 36:22

36:22 Indeed, God is exalted in his power;

who is a teacher like him?