Job 3:24

3:24 For my sighing comes in place of my food,

and my groanings flow forth like water.

Job 5:3

5:3 I myself have seen the fool taking root,

but suddenly I cursed his place of residence.

Job 6:17

6:17 When they are scorched, they dry up,

when it is hot, they vanish from their place.

Job 9:6

9:6 he who shakes the earth out of its place

so that its pillars tremble;

Job 26:6

26:6 The underworld is naked before God;

the place of destruction lies uncovered.

Job 27:23--28:1

27:23 It claps its hands at him in derision

and hisses him away from his place.

III. Job’s Search for Wisdom (28:1-28)

No Known Road to Wisdom

28:1 “Surely there is a mine for silver,

and a place where gold is refined.

Job 28:6

28:6 a place whose stones are sapphires

and which contains dust of gold;

Job 28:12-13

No Price Can Buy Wisdom

28:12 “But wisdom – where can it be found?

Where is the place of understanding?

28:13 Mankind does not know its place;

it cannot be found in the land of the living.

Job 28:20

God Alone Has Wisdom

28:20 “But wisdom – where does it come from?

Where is the place of understanding?

Job 28:23

28:23 God understands the way to it,

and he alone knows its place.

Job 33:22

33:22 He draws near to the place of corruption,

and his life to the messengers of death.

Job 34:24

34:24 He shatters the great without inquiry,

and sets up others in their place.

Job 34:26

34:26 He strikes them for their wickedness,

in a place where people can see,

Job 37:1

37:1 At this also my heart pounds

and leaps from its place.

Job 38:10

38:10 when I prescribed its limits,

and set in place its bolts and doors,

Job 38:12

38:12 Have you ever in your life commanded the morning,

or made the dawn know its place,

Job 38:19

38:19 “In what direction does light reside,

and darkness, where is its place,

Job 39:6

39:6 to whom I appointed the steppe for its home,

the salt wastes as its dwelling place?