Job 3:18-19

3:18 There the prisoners relax together;

they do not hear the voice of the oppressor.

3:19 Small and great are there,

and the slave is free from his master.

Job 6:20

6:20 They were distressed,

because each one had been so confident;

they arrived there, but were disappointed.

Job 6:29-30

6:29 Relent, let there be no falsehood;

reconsider, for my righteousness is intact!

6:30 Is there any falsehood on my lips?

Can my mouth not discern evil things?

Job 8:11

8:11 Can the papyrus plant grow tall where there is no marsh?

Can reeds flourish without water?

Job 9:33

9:33 Nor is there an arbiter between us,

who might lay his hand on us both,

Job 16:3

16:3 Will there be an end to your windy words?

Or what provokes you that you answer?

Job 16:16-17

16:16 my face is reddened because of weeping,

and on my eyelids there is a deep darkness,

16:17 although there is no violence in my hands

and my prayer is pure.

Job 22:5

22:5 Is not your wickedness great

and is there no end to your iniquity?

Job 28:1

III. Job’s Search for Wisdom (28:1-28)

No Known Road to Wisdom

28:1 “Surely there is a mine for silver,

and a place where gold is refined.

Job 34:22

34:22 There is no darkness, and no deep darkness,

where evildoers can hide themselves.

Job 39:29-30

39:29 From there it spots its prey,

its eyes gaze intently from a distance.

39:30 And its young ones devour the blood,

and where the dead carcasses are,

there it is.”