Job 3:16

3:16 Or why was I not buried

like a stillborn infant,

like infants who have never seen the light?

Job 4:8

4:8 Even as I have seen, those who plow iniquity

and those who sow trouble reap the same.

Job 5:27

5:27 Look, we have investigated this, so it is true.

Hear it, and apply it for your own good.”

Job 6:3

6:3 But because it is heavier than the sand of the sea,

that is why my words have been wild.

Job 6:21

6:21 For now you have become like these streams that are no help;

you see a terror, and are afraid.

Job 6:24

No Sin Discovered

6:24 “Teach me and I, for my part, will be silent;

explain to me how I have been mistaken.

Job 7:1

The Brevity of Life

7:1 “Does not humanity have hard service on earth?

Are not their days also

like the days of a hired man?

Job 8:9

8:9 For we were born yesterday and do not have knowledge,

since our days on earth are but a shadow.

Job 8:18

8:18 If he is uprooted from his place,

then that place will disown him, saying,

‘I have never seen you!’

Job 14:15

14:15 You will call and I – I will answer you;

you will long for the creature you have made.

Job 19:20

19:20 My bones stick to my skin and my flesh;

I have escaped alive with only the skin of my teeth.

Job 23:17

23:17 Yet I have not been silent because of the darkness,

because of the thick darkness

that covered my face.

Job 27:8

27:8 For what hope does the godless have when he is cut off,

when God takes away his life?

Job 27:12

27:12 If you yourselves have all seen this,

Why in the world do you continue this meaningless talk?

Job 28:22

28:22 Destruction and Death say,

‘With our ears we have heard a rumor about where it can be found.’

Job 31:10

31:10 then let my wife turn the millstone for another man,

and may other men have sexual relations with her.

Job 31:13

31:13 “If I have disregarded the right of my male servants

or my female servants

when they disputed with me,

Job 31:16

31:16 If I have refused to give the poor what they desired,

or caused the eyes of the widow to fail,

Job 31:19

31:19 If I have seen anyone about to perish for lack of clothing,

or a poor man without a coat,

Job 31:21

31:21 if I have raised my hand to vote against the orphan,

when I saw my support in the court,

Job 31:24

31:24 “If I have put my confidence in gold

or said to pure gold,

‘You are my security!’

Job 31:28

31:28 then this also would be iniquity to be judged,

for I would have been false to God above.

Job 31:30

31:30 I have not even permitted my mouth to sin

by asking for his life through a curse –

Job 32:16

32:16 And I have waited. But because they do not speak,

because they stand there and answer no more,

Job 33:6

33:6 Look, I am just like you in relation to God;

I too have been molded from clay.

Job 34:31-32

Job Is Foolish to Rebel

34:31 “Has anyone said to God,

‘I have endured chastisement,

but I will not act wrongly any more.

34:32 Teach me what I cannot see.

If I have done evil, I will do so no more.’

Job 36:9

36:9 then he reveals to them what they have done,

and their transgressions,

that they were behaving proudly.

Job 36:21

36:21 Take heed, do not turn to evil,

for because of this you have been tested by affliction.

Job 36:23

36:23 Who has prescribed his ways for him?

Or said to him, ‘You have done what is wicked’?

Job 38:16

38:16 Have you gone to the springs that fill the sea,

or walked about in the recesses of the deep?

Job 40:9

40:9 Do you have an arm as powerful as God’s,

and can you thunder with a voice like his?

Job 41:26

41:26 Whoever strikes it with a sword

will have no effect,

nor with the spear, arrow, or dart.