Job 2:6

2:6 So the Lord said to Satan, “All right, he is in your power; only preserve his life.”

Job 9:15

9:15 Although I am innocent,

I could not answer him;

I could only plead with my judge for mercy.

Job 13:20

13:20 Only in two things spare me, O God,

and then I will not hide from your face:

Job 19:20

19:20 My bones stick to my skin and my flesh;

I have escaped alive with only the skin of my teeth.

Job 25:6

25:6 how much less a mortal man, who is but a maggot –

a son of man, who is only a worm!”

Job 30:20

30:20 I cry out to you, but you do not answer me;

I stand up, and you only look at me.