Job 2:5

2:5 But extend your hand and strike his bone and his flesh, and he will no doubt curse you to your face!”

Job 7:8

7:8 The eye of him who sees me now will see me no more;

your eyes will look for me, but I will be gone.

Job 10:7

10:7 although you know that I am not guilty,

and that there is no one who can deliver

out of your hand?

Job 10:18

An Appeal for Relief

10:18 “Why then did you bring me out from the womb?

I should have died

and no eye would have seen me!

Job 14:12

14:12 so man lies down and does not rise;

until the heavens are no more,

they will not awake

nor arise from their sleep.

Job 20:9

20:9 People who had seen him will not see him again,

and the place where he was

will recognize him no longer.

Job 23:9

23:9 In the north when he is at work,

I do not see him;

when he turns to the south,

I see no trace of him.

Job 24:15

24:15 And the eye of the adulterer watches for the twilight,

thinking, ‘No eye can see me,’

and covers his face with a mask.

Job 24:18

24:18 “You say, ‘He is foam on the face of the waters;

their portion of the land is cursed

so that no one goes to their vineyard.

Job 24:20

24:20 The womb forgets him,

the worm feasts on him,

no longer will he be remembered.

Like a tree, wickedness will be broken down.

Job 24:22

24:22 But God drags off the mighty by his power;

when God rises up against him, he has no faith in his life.

Job 32:12

32:12 Now I was paying you close attention,

yet there was no one proving Job wrong,

not one of you was answering his statements!

Job 34:19

34:19 who shows no partiality to princes,

and does not take note of the rich more than the poor,

because all of them are the work of his hands?