Job 2:4-5

2:4 But Satan answered the Lord, “Skin for skin! Indeed, a man will give up all that he has to save his life! 2:5 But extend your hand and strike his bone and his flesh, and he will no doubt curse you to your face!”

Job 3:9

3:9 Let its morning stars be darkened;

let it wait for daylight but find none,

nor let it see the first rays of dawn,

Job 4:10

4:10 There is the roaring of the lion

and the growling of the young lion,

but the teeth of the young lions are broken.

Job 4:16

4:16 It stands still,

but I cannot recognize its appearance;

an image is before my eyes,

and I hear a murmuring voice:

Job 7:8

7:8 The eye of him who sees me now will see me no more;

your eyes will look for me, but I will be gone.

Job 12:6-7

12:6 But the tents of robbers are peaceful,

and those who provoke God are confident –

who carry their god in their hands.

Knowledge of God’s Wisdom

12:7 “But now, ask the animals and they will teach you,

or the birds of the sky and they will tell you.

Job 14:7

The Inevitability of Death

14:7 “But there is hope for a tree:

If it is cut down, it will sprout again,

and its new shoots will not fail.

Job 16:6

Abandonment by God and Man

16:6 “But if I speak, my pain is not relieved,

and if I refrain from speaking

– how much of it goes away?

Job 22:18

22:18 But it was he who filled their houses

with good things –

yet the counsel of the wicked

was far from me.

Job 24:16

24:16 In the dark the robber breaks into houses,

but by day they shut themselves in;

they do not know the light.

Job 24:22

24:22 But God drags off the mighty by his power;

when God rises up against him, he has no faith in his life.

Job 30:1

Job’s Present Misery

30:1 “But now they mock me, those who are younger than I,

whose fathers I disdained too much

to put with my sheep dogs.

Job 31:18

31:18 but from my youth I raised the orphan like a father,

and from my mother’s womb

I guided the widow!

Job 33:27

33:27 That person sings to others, saying:

‘I have sinned and falsified what is right,

but I was not punished according to what I deserved.

Job 34:33

34:33 Is it your opinion that God should recompense it,

because you reject this?

But you must choose, and not I,

so tell us what you know.

Job 36:7

36:7 He does not take his eyes off the righteous;

but with kings on the throne

he seats the righteous and exalts them forever.

Job 37:21

37:21 But now, the sun cannot be looked at –

it is bright in the skies –

after a wind passed and swept the clouds away.

Job 37:23

37:23 As for the Almighty, we cannot attain to him!

He is great in power,

but justice and abundant righteousness he does not oppress.

Job 42:3

42:3 you asked,

‘Who is this who darkens counsel

without knowledge?’

But I have declared without understanding

things too wonderful for me to know.