Job 1:9

1:9 Then Satan answered the Lord, “Is it for nothing that Job fears God?

Job 7:14

7:14 then you scare me with dreams

and terrify me with visions,

Job 9:14

The Impossibility of Facing God in Court

9:14 “How much less, then, can I answer him

and choose my words to argue with him!

Job 9:31

9:31 then you plunge me into a slimy pit

and my own clothes abhor me.

Job 11:10

11:10 If he comes by and confines you

and convenes a court,

then who can prevent him?

Job 13:22

13:22 Then call, and I will answer,

or I will speak, and you respond to me.

Job 14:16

The Present Condition

14:16 “Surely now you count my steps;

then you would not mark my sin.

Job 17:3

17:3 Make then my pledge with you.

Who else will put up security for me?

Job 17:15

17:15 where then is my hope?

And my hope, who sees it?

Job 19:6

19:6 know then that God has wronged me

and encircled me with his net.

Job 20:3

20:3 When I hear a reproof that dishonors me,

then my understanding prompts me to answer.

Job 20:24

20:24 If he flees from an iron weapon,

then an arrow from a bronze bow pierces him.

Job 22:25

22:25 then the Almighty himself will be your gold,

and the choicest silver for you.

Job 28:27

28:27 then he looked at wisdom and assessed its value;

he established it and examined it closely.

Job 30:26

30:26 But when I hoped for good, trouble came;

when I expected light, then darkness came.

Job 31:1

Job Vindicates Himself

31:1 “I made a covenant with my eyes;

how then could I entertain thoughts against a virgin?

Job 31:6

31:6 let him weigh me with honest scales;

then God will discover my integrity.

Job 31:8

31:8 then let me sow and let another eat,

and let my crops be uprooted.

Job 33:16

33:16 Then he gives a revelation to people,

and terrifies them with warnings,

Job 35:12

35:12 Then they cry out – but he does not answer –

because of the arrogance of the wicked.

Job 38:15

38:15 Then from the wicked the light is withheld,

and the arm raised in violence is broken.

Job 40:10

40:10 Adorn yourself, then, with majesty and excellency,

and clothe yourself with glory and honor!

Job 40:14

40:14 Then I myself will acknowledge to you

that your own right hand can save you.