Job 1:11

1:11 But extend your hand and strike everything he has, and he will no doubt curse you to your face!”

Job 9:11

9:11 If he passes by me, I cannot see him,

if he goes by, I cannot perceive him.

Job 9:16

9:16 If I summoned him, and he answered me,

I would not believe

that he would be listening to my voice –

Job 12:14-15

12:14 If he tears down, it cannot be rebuilt;

if he imprisons a person, there is no escape.

12:15 If he holds back the waters, then they dry up;

if he releases them, they destroy the land.

Job 12:24

12:24 He deprives the leaders of the earth

of their understanding;

he makes them wander

in a trackless desert waste.

Job 14:2

14:2 He grows up like a flower and then withers away;

he flees like a shadow, and does not remain.

Job 14:21

14:21 If his sons are honored,

he does not know it;

if they are brought low,

he does not see it.

Job 15:14

15:14 What is man that he should be pure,

or one born of woman, that he should be righteous?

Job 15:33

15:33 Like a vine he will let his sour grapes fall,

and like an olive tree

he will shed his blossoms.

Job 18:8

18:8 For he has been thrown into a net by his feet

and he wanders into a mesh.

Job 18:19

18:19 He has neither children nor descendants among his people,

no survivor in those places he once stayed.

Job 19:10

19:10 He tears me down on every side until I perish;

he uproots my hope like one uproots a tree.

Job 20:7

20:7 he will perish forever, like his own excrement;

those who used to see him will say, ‘Where is he?’

Job 20:15

20:15 The wealth that he consumed he vomits up,

God will make him throw it out of his stomach.

Job 20:18

20:18 He gives back the ill-gotten gain

without assimilating it;

he will not enjoy the wealth from his commerce.

Job 23:10

23:10 But he knows the pathway that I take;

if he tested me, I would come forth like gold.

Job 26:12

26:12 By his power he stills the sea;

by his wisdom he cut Rahab the great sea monster to pieces.

Job 27:19

27:19 He goes to bed wealthy, but will do so no more.

When he opens his eyes, it is all gone.

Job 28:11

28:11 He has searched the sources of the rivers

and what was hidden he has brought into the light.

Job 34:37

34:37 For he adds transgression to his sin;

in our midst he claps his hands,

and multiplies his words against God.”

Job 36:5

36:5 Indeed, God is mighty; and he does not despise people,

he is mighty, and firm in his intent.

Job 37:20

37:20 Should he be informed that I want to speak?

If a man speaks, surely he would be swallowed up!