Job 1:11

1:11 But extend your hand and strike everything he has, and he will no doubt curse you to your face!”

Job 4:2

4:2 “If someone should attempt a word with you,

will you be impatient?

But who can refrain from speaking?

Job 4:5

4:5 But now the same thing comes to you,

and you are discouraged;

it strikes you,

and you are terrified.

Job 6:3

6:3 But because it is heavier than the sand of the sea,

that is why my words have been wild.

Job 8:9

8:9 For we were born yesterday and do not have knowledge,

since our days on earth are but a shadow.

Job 11:12

11:12 But an empty man will become wise,

when a wild donkey’s colt is born a human being.

Job 11:20

11:20 But the eyes of the wicked fail,

and escape eludes them;

their one hope is to breathe their last.”

Job 13:3

13:3 But I wish to speak to the Almighty,

and I desire to argue my case with God.

Job 14:18

14:18 But as a mountain falls away and crumbles,

and as a rock will be removed from its place,

Job 17:10

Anticipation of Death

17:10 “But turn, all of you, and come now!

I will not find a wise man among you.

Job 19:7

Job’s Abandonment and Affliction

19:7 “If I cry out, ‘Violence!’

I receive no answer;

I cry for help,

but there is no justice.

Job 19:16

19:16 I summon my servant, but he does not respond,

even though I implore him with my own mouth.

Job 20:5

20:5 that the elation of the wicked is brief,

the joy of the godless lasts but a moment.

Job 20:11

20:11 His bones were full of his youthful vigor,

but that vigor will lie down with him in the dust.

Job 21:16

21:16 But their prosperity is not their own doing.

The counsel of the wicked is far from me!

Job 21:34

21:34 So how can you console me with your futile words?

Nothing is left of your answers but deception!”

Job 23:10

23:10 But he knows the pathway that I take;

if he tested me, I would come forth like gold.

Job 24:12

24:12 From the city the dying groan,

and the wounded cry out for help,

but God charges no one with wrongdoing.

Job 24:23

24:23 God may let them rest in a feeling of security,

but he is constantly watching all their ways.

Job 25:6

25:6 how much less a mortal man, who is but a maggot –

a son of man, who is only a worm!”

Job 27:19

27:19 He goes to bed wealthy, but will do so no more.

When he opens his eyes, it is all gone.

Job 30:20

30:20 I cry out to you, but you do not answer me;

I stand up, and you only look at me.

Job 30:28

30:28 I go about blackened, but not by the sun;

in the assembly I stand up and cry for help.

Job 31:32

31:32 But no stranger had to spend the night outside,

for I opened my doors to the traveler –

Job 32:16

32:16 And I have waited. But because they do not speak,

because they stand there and answer no more,

Job 34:31

Job Is Foolish to Rebel

34:31 “Has anyone said to God,

‘I have endured chastisement,

but I will not act wrongly any more.

Job 34:36

34:36 But Job will be tested to the end,

because his answers are like those of wicked men.

Job 36:12

36:12 But if they refuse to listen,

they pass over the river of death,

and expire without knowledge.

Job 36:17

36:17 But now you are preoccupied with the judgment due the wicked,

judgment and justice take hold of you.

Job 39:13

39:13 “The wings of the ostrich flap with joy,

but are they the pinions and plumage of a stork?

Job 42:5

42:5 I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear,

but now my eye has seen you.