Jeremiah 7:26

7:26 But your ancestors did not listen to me nor pay attention to me. They became obstinate and were more wicked than even their own forefathers.’”

Jeremiah 9:6

9:6 They do one act of violence after another,

and one deceitful thing after another.

They refuse to pay attention to me,”

says the Lord.

Jeremiah 13:15

13:15 Then I said to the people of Judah,

“Listen and pay attention! Do not be arrogant!

For the Lord has spoken.

Jeremiah 25:4

25:4 Over and over again the Lord has sent his servants the prophets to you. But you have not listened or paid attention.

Jeremiah 29:20

29:20 ‘So pay attention to what I, the Lord, have said, all you exiles whom I have sent to Babylon from Jerusalem.’

Jeremiah 37:2

37:2 Neither he nor the officials who served him nor the people of Judah paid any attention to what the Lord said through the prophet Jeremiah.