Jeremiah 4:26

4:26 I looked and saw that the fruitful land had become a desert

and that all of the cities had been laid in ruins.

The Lord had brought this all about

because of his blazing anger.

Jeremiah 12:11

12:11 They will lay it waste.

It will lie parched and empty before me.

The whole land will be laid waste.

But no one living in it will pay any heed.

Jeremiah 25:38

25:38 The Lord is like a lion who has left his lair.

So their lands will certainly be laid waste

by the warfare of the oppressive nation

and by the fierce anger of the Lord.”

Jeremiah 39:1

39:1 King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon came against Jerusalem with his whole army and laid siege to it. The siege began in the tenth month of the ninth year that Zedekiah ruled over Judah.

Jeremiah 48:8

48:8 The destroyer will come against every town.

Not one town will escape.

The towns in the valley will be destroyed.

The cities on the high plain will be laid waste.

I, the Lord, have spoken!

Jeremiah 49:30

49:30 The Lord says, “Flee quickly, you who live in Hazor.

Take up refuge in remote places.

For King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon has laid out plans to attack you.

He has formed his strategy on how to defeat you.”