Jeremiah 4:12

4:12 No, a wind too strong for that will come at my bidding.

Yes, even now I, myself, am calling down judgment on them.’

Jeremiah 31:6

31:6 Yes, a time is coming

when watchmen will call out on the mountains of Ephraim,

“Come! Let us go to Zion

to worship the Lord our God!”’”

Jeremiah 35:16

35:16 Yes, the descendants of Jonadab son of Rechab have carried out the orders that their ancestor gave them. But you people have not obeyed me!

Jeremiah 36:18

36:18 Baruch answered, “Yes, they came from his own mouth. He dictated all these words to me and I wrote them down in ink on this scroll.”

Jeremiah 51:52

51:52 Yes, but the time will certainly come,” says the Lord,

“when I will punish her idols.

Throughout her land the mortally wounded will groan.