Jeremiah 20:17

20:17 For he did not kill me before I came from the womb,

making my pregnant mother’s womb my grave forever.

Jeremiah 34:20

34:20 I will hand them over to their enemies who want to kill them. Their dead bodies will become food for the birds and the wild animals.

Jeremiah 38:15

38:15 Jeremiah said to Zedekiah, “If I answer you, you will certainly kill me. If I give you advice, you will not listen to me.”

Jeremiah 49:35

49:35 The Lord who rules over all said,

“I will kill all the archers of Elam,

who are the chief source of her military might.

Jeremiah 50:21

50:21 The Lord says,

“Attack the land of Merathaim

and the people who live in Pekod!

Pursue, kill, and completely destroy them!

Do just as I have commanded you!

Jeremiah 50:27

50:27 Kill all her soldiers!

Let them be slaughtered!

They are doomed, for their day of reckoning has come,

the time for them to be punished.”