Jeremiah 2:30

2:30 “It did no good for me to punish your people.

They did not respond to such correction.

You slaughtered your prophets

like a voracious lion.”

Jeremiah 5:2

5:2 These people make promises in the name of the Lord.

But the fact is, what they swear to is really a lie.”

Jeremiah 5:12-13

5:12 “These people have denied what the Lord says.

They have said, ‘That is not so!

No harm will come to us.

We will not experience war and famine.

5:13 The prophets will prove to be full of wind.

The Lord has not spoken through them.

So, let what they say happen to them.’”

Jeremiah 6:3

6:3 Kings will come against it with their armies.

They will encamp in siege all around it.

Each of them will devastate the portion assigned to him.

Jeremiah 6:25

6:25 Do not go out into the countryside.

Do not travel on the roads.

For the enemy is there with sword in hand.

They are spreading terror everywhere.”

Jeremiah 7:19

7:19 But I am not really the one being troubled!” says the Lord. “Rather they are bringing trouble on themselves to their own shame!

Jeremiah 7:26

7:26 But your ancestors did not listen to me nor pay attention to me. They became obstinate and were more wicked than even their own forefathers.’”

Jeremiah 9:5

9:5 One friend deceives another

and no one tells the truth.

These people have trained themselves to tell lies.

They do wrong and are unable to repent.

Jeremiah 9:13

9:13 The Lord answered, “This has happened because these people have rejected my laws which I gave them. They have not obeyed me or followed those laws.

Jeremiah 10:3

10:3 For the religion of these people is worthless.

They cut down a tree in the forest,

and a craftsman makes it into an idol with his tools.

Jeremiah 10:11

10:11 You people of Israel should tell those nations this:

‘These gods did not make heaven and earth.

They will disappear from the earth and from under the heavens.’

Jeremiah 15:16

15:16 As your words came to me I drank them in,

and they filled my heart with joy and happiness

because I belong to you.

Jeremiah 16:17

16:17 For I see everything they do. Their wicked ways are not hidden from me. Their sin is not hidden away where I cannot see it.

Jeremiah 17:23

17:23 Your ancestors, however, did not listen to me or pay any attention to me. They stubbornly refused to pay attention or to respond to any discipline.’

Jeremiah 18:12

18:12 But they just keep saying, ‘We do not care what you say! We will do whatever we want to do! We will continue to behave wickedly and stubbornly!’”

Jeremiah 22:8-9

22:8 “‘People from other nations will pass by this city. They will ask one another, “Why has the Lord done such a thing to this great city?” 22:9 The answer will come back, “It is because they broke their covenant with the Lord their God and worshiped and served other gods.”

Jeremiah 22:12

22:12 For he will die in the country where they took him as a captive. He will never see this land again.”

Jeremiah 23:30

23:30 So I, the Lord, affirm that I am opposed to those prophets who steal messages from one another that they claim are from me.

Jeremiah 24:10

24:10 I will bring war, starvation, and disease on them until they are completely destroyed from the land I gave them and their ancestors.’”

Jeremiah 25:14

25:14 For many nations and great kings will make slaves of the king of Babylon and his nation too. I will repay them for all they have done!’”

Jeremiah 27:14

27:14 Do not listen to the prophets who are telling you that you do not need to serve the king of Babylon. For they are prophesying lies to you.

Jeremiah 29:9

29:9 They are prophesying lies to you and claiming my authority to do so. But I did not send them. I, the Lord, affirm it!’

Jeremiah 30:9

30:9 But they will be subject to the Lord their God

and to the Davidic ruler whom I will raise up as king over them.

Jeremiah 31:1

31:1 At that time I will be the God of all the clans of Israel

and they will be my people.

I, the Lord, affirm it!”

Jeremiah 32:28

32:28 Therefore I, the Lord, say: ‘I will indeed hand this city over to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon and the Babylonian army. They will capture it.

Jeremiah 36:15

36:15 They said to him, “Please sit down and read it to us.” So Baruch sat down and read it to them.

Jeremiah 36:18

36:18 Baruch answered, “Yes, they came from his own mouth. He dictated all these words to me and I wrote them down in ink on this scroll.”

Jeremiah 36:20

36:20 The officials put the scroll in the room of Elishama, the royal secretary, for safekeeping. Then they went to the court and reported everything to the king.

Jeremiah 38:13

38:13 So they pulled Jeremiah up from the cistern with ropes. Jeremiah, however, still remained confined to the courtyard of the guardhouse.

Jeremiah 38:26

38:26 If they do this, tell them, ‘I was pleading with the king not to send me back to die in the dungeon of Jonathan’s house.’”

Jeremiah 39:2

39:2 It lasted until the ninth day of the fourth month of Zedekiah’s eleventh year. On that day they broke through the city walls.

Jeremiah 39:8

39:8 The Babylonians burned down the royal palace, the temple of the Lord, and the people’s homes, and they tore down the wall of Jerusalem.

Jeremiah 41:13

41:13 When all the people that Ishmael had taken captive saw Johanan son of Kareah and all the army officers with him, they were glad.

Jeremiah 44:10

44:10 To this day your people have shown no contrition! They have not revered me nor followed the laws and statutes I commanded you and your ancestors.’

Jeremiah 46:6

46:6 But even the swiftest cannot get away.

Even the strongest cannot escape.

There in the north by the Euphrates River

they stumble and fall in defeat.

Jeremiah 46:17

46:17 There at home they will say, ‘Pharaoh king of Egypt is just a big noise!

He has let the most opportune moment pass by.’

Jeremiah 48:20

48:20 They will answer, ‘Moab is disgraced, for it has fallen!

Wail and cry out in mourning!

Announce along the Arnon River

that Moab has been destroyed.’

Jeremiah 48:30

48:30 I, the Lord, affirm that I know how arrogant they are.

But their pride is ill-founded.

Their boastings will prove to be false.

Jeremiah 49:21

49:21 The people of the earth will quake when they hear of their downfall.

Their cries of anguish will be heard all the way to the Gulf of Aqaba.

Jeremiah 50:27

50:27 Kill all her soldiers!

Let them be slaughtered!

They are doomed, for their day of reckoning has come,

the time for them to be punished.”

Jeremiah 50:35

50:35 “Destructive forces will come against the Babylonians,” says the Lord.

“They will come against the people who inhabit Babylonia,

against her leaders and her men of wisdom.

Jeremiah 50:46

50:46 The people of the earth will quake when they hear Babylon has been captured.

Her cries of anguish will be heard by the other nations.”

Jeremiah 52:8-9

52:8 But the Babylonian army chased after the king. They caught up with Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho, and his entire army deserted him. 52:9 They captured him and brought him up to the king of Babylon at Riblah in the territory of Hamath and he passed sentence on him there.