Jeremiah 1:8

1:8 Do not be afraid of those to whom I send you, for I will be with you to protect you,” says the Lord.

Jeremiah 2:36

2:36 Why do you constantly go about

changing your political allegiances?

You will get no help from Egypt

just as you got no help from Assyria.

Jeremiah 3:4

3:4 Even now you say to me, ‘You are my father!

You have been my faithful companion ever since I was young.

Jeremiah 3:22

3:22 Come back to me, you wayward people.

I want to cure your waywardness.

Say, ‘Here we are. We come to you

because you are the Lord our God.

Jeremiah 4:14

4:14 “Oh people of Jerusalem, purify your hearts from evil

so that you may yet be delivered.

How long will you continue to harbor up

wicked schemes within you?

Jeremiah 15:14

15:14 I will make you serve your enemies in a land that you know nothing about.

For my anger is like a fire that will burn against you.”

Jeremiah 26:4

26:4 Tell them that the Lord says, ‘You must obey me! You must live according to the way I have instructed you in my laws.

Jeremiah 27:14

27:14 Do not listen to the prophets who are telling you that you do not need to serve the king of Babylon. For they are prophesying lies to you.

Jeremiah 32:22

32:22 You kept the promise that you swore on oath to their ancestors. You gave them a land flowing with milk and honey.

Jeremiah 33:3

33:3 ‘Call on me in prayer and I will answer you. I will show you great and mysterious things which you still do not know about.’

Jeremiah 36:19

36:19 Then the officials said to Baruch, “You and Jeremiah must go and hide. You must not let anyone know where you are.”

Jeremiah 38:5

38:5 King Zedekiah said to them, “Very well, you can do what you want with him. For I cannot do anything to stop you.”

Jeremiah 39:17

39:17 But I will rescue you when it happens. I, the Lord, affirm it! You will not be handed over to those whom you fear.

Jeremiah 42:12

42:12 I will have compassion on you so that he in turn will have mercy on you and allow you to return to your land.’

Jeremiah 42:21

42:21 This day I have told you what he said. But you do not want to obey the Lord by doing what he sent me to tell you.

Jeremiah 51:20

51:20 “Babylon, you are my war club,

my weapon for battle.

I used you to smash nations.

I used you to destroy kingdoms.

Jeremiah 51:22-23

51:22 I used you to smash men and women.

I used you to smash old men and young men.

I used you to smash young men and young women.

51:23 I used you to smash shepherds and their flocks.

I used you to smash farmers and their teams of oxen.

I used you to smash governors and leaders.”