Jeremiah 1:6

1:6 I answered, “Oh, Lord God, I really do not know how to speak well enough for that, for I am too young.”

Jeremiah 2:17

2:17 You have brought all this on yourself, Israel,

by deserting the Lord your God when he was leading you along the right path.

Jeremiah 3:22

3:22 Come back to me, you wayward people.

I want to cure your waywardness.

Say, ‘Here we are. We come to you

because you are the Lord our God.

Jeremiah 11:3

11:3 Tell them that the Lord, the God of Israel, says, ‘Anyone who does not keep the terms of the covenant will be under a curse.

Jeremiah 22:9

22:9 The answer will come back, “It is because they broke their covenant with the Lord their God and worshiped and served other gods.”

Jeremiah 27:4

27:4 Charge them to give their masters a message from me. Tell them, ‘The Lord God of Israel who rules over all says to give your masters this message.

Jeremiah 28:2

28:2 “The Lord God of Israel who rules over all says, ‘I will break the yoke of servitude to the king of Babylon.

Jeremiah 29:4

29:4 “The Lord God of Israel who rules over all says to all those he sent into exile to Babylon from Jerusalem,

Jeremiah 30:9

30:9 But they will be subject to the Lord their God

and to the Davidic ruler whom I will raise up as king over them.

Jeremiah 31:1

31:1 At that time I will be the God of all the clans of Israel

and they will be my people.

I, the Lord, affirm it!”

Jeremiah 31:6

31:6 Yes, a time is coming

when watchmen will call out on the mountains of Ephraim,

“Come! Let us go to Zion

to worship the Lord our God!”’”

Jeremiah 32:15

32:15 For the Lord God of Israel who rules over all says, “Houses, fields, and vineyards will again be bought in this land.”’

Jeremiah 32:17

32:17 ‘Oh, Lord God, you did indeed make heaven and earth by your mighty power and great strength. Nothing is too hard for you!

Jeremiah 35:19

35:19 So the Lord God of Israel who rules over all says, ‘Jonadab son of Rechab will never lack a male descendant to serve me.’”

Jeremiah 40:2

40:2 The captain of the royal guard took Jeremiah aside and said to him, “The Lord your God threatened this place with this disaster.

Jeremiah 42:9

42:9 Then Jeremiah said to them, “You sent me to the Lord God of Israel to make your request known to him. Here is what he says to you: