Jeremiah 1:6-8

1:6 I answered, “Oh, Lord God, I really do not know how to speak well enough for that, for I am too young.” 1:7 The Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ But go to whomever I send you and say whatever I tell you. 1:8 Do not be afraid of those to whom I send you, for I will be with you to protect you,” says the Lord.

Jeremiah 1:12-13

1:12 Then the Lord said, “You have observed correctly. This means I am watching to make sure my threats are carried out.”

1:13 The Lord again asked me, “What do you see?” I answered, “I see a pot of boiling water; it is tipped toward us from the north.”

Jeremiah 1:19

1:19 They will attack you but they will not be able to overcome you, for I will be with you to rescue you,” says the Lord.

Jeremiah 2:4

The Lord Reminds Them of the Unfaithfulness of Their Ancestors

2:4 Now listen to what the Lord has to say, you descendants of Jacob,

all you family groups from the nation of Israel.

Jeremiah 2:9

The Lord Charges Contemporary Israel with Spiritual Adultery

2:9 “So, once more I will state my case against you,” says the Lord.

“I will also state it against your children and grandchildren.

Jeremiah 2:17

2:17 You have brought all this on yourself, Israel,

by deserting the Lord your God when he was leading you along the right path.

Jeremiah 3:20

3:20 But, you have been unfaithful to me, nation of Israel,

like an unfaithful wife who has left her husband,”

says the Lord.

Jeremiah 3:22

3:22 Come back to me, you wayward people.

I want to cure your waywardness.

Say, ‘Here we are. We come to you

because you are the Lord our God.

Jeremiah 4:27

4:27 All this will happen because the Lord said,

“The whole land will be desolate;

however, I will not completely destroy it.

Jeremiah 5:2

5:2 These people make promises in the name of the Lord.

But the fact is, what they swear to is really a lie.”

Jeremiah 5:9

5:9 I will surely punish them for doing such things!” says the Lord.

“I will surely bring retribution on such a nation as this!”

Jeremiah 5:12-13

5:12 “These people have denied what the Lord says.

They have said, ‘That is not so!

No harm will come to us.

We will not experience war and famine.

5:13 The prophets will prove to be full of wind.

The Lord has not spoken through them.

So, let what they say happen to them.’”

Jeremiah 5:29

5:29 I will certainly punish them for doing such things!” says the Lord.

“I will certainly bring retribution on such a nation as this!

Jeremiah 7:19

7:19 But I am not really the one being troubled!” says the Lord. “Rather they are bringing trouble on themselves to their own shame!

Jeremiah 9:6

9:6 They do one act of violence after another,

and one deceitful thing after another.

They refuse to pay attention to me,”

says the Lord.

Jeremiah 9:9

9:9 I will certainly punish them for doing such things!” says the Lord.

“I will certainly bring retribution on such a nation as this!”

Jeremiah 9:13

9:13 The Lord answered, “This has happened because these people have rejected my laws which I gave them. They have not obeyed me or followed those laws.

Jeremiah 9:25

9:25 The Lord says, “Watch out! The time is soon coming when I will punish all those who are circumcised only in the flesh.

Jeremiah 10:23-24

10:23 Lord, we know that people do not control their own destiny.

It is not in their power to determine what will happen to them.

10:24 Correct us, Lord, but only in due measure.

Do not punish us in anger or you will reduce us to nothing.

Jeremiah 11:3

11:3 Tell them that the Lord, the God of Israel, says, ‘Anyone who does not keep the terms of the covenant will be under a curse.

Jeremiah 13:1

An Object Lesson from Ruined Linen Shorts

13:1 The Lord said to me, “Go and buy some linen shorts and put them on. Do not put them in water.”

Jeremiah 13:6

13:6 Many days later the Lord said to me, “Go at once to Perath and get the shorts I ordered you to bury there.”

Jeremiah 13:9

13:9 “I, the Lord, say: ‘This shows how I will ruin the highly exalted position in which Judah and Jerusalem take pride.

Jeremiah 13:15

13:15 Then I said to the people of Judah,

“Listen and pay attention! Do not be arrogant!

For the Lord has spoken.

Jeremiah 13:18

13:18 The Lord told me,

“Tell the king and the queen mother,

‘Surrender your thrones,

for your glorious crowns

will be removed from your heads.

Jeremiah 13:24

13:24 “The Lord says,

‘That is why I will scatter your people like chaff

that is blown away by a desert wind.

Jeremiah 14:20

14:20 Lord, we confess that we have been wicked.

We confess that our ancestors have done wrong.

We have indeed sinned against you.

Jeremiah 17:12

Jeremiah Appeals to the Lord for Vindication

17:12 Then I said,

Lord, from the very beginning

you have been seated on your glorious throne on high.

You are the place where we can find refuge.

Jeremiah 17:14-15

17:14 Lord, grant me relief from my suffering

so that I may have some relief.

Rescue me from those who persecute me

so that I may be rescued.

17:15 Listen to what they are saying to me.

They are saying, “Where are the things the Lord threatens us with?

Come on! Let’s see them happen!”

Jeremiah 17:21

17:21 The Lord says, ‘Be very careful if you value your lives! Do not carry any loads in through the gates of Jerusalem on the Sabbath day.

Jeremiah 19:12

19:12 I, the Lord, say: ‘That is how I will deal with this city and its citizens. I will make it like Topheth.

Jeremiah 20:1

Jeremiah is Flogged and Put in A Cell

20:1 Now Pashhur son of Immer heard Jeremiah prophesy these things. He was the priest who was chief of security in the Lord’s temple.

Jeremiah 20:8

20:8 For whenever I prophesy, I must cry out,

“Violence and destruction are coming!”

This message from the Lord has made me

an object of continual insults and derision.

Jeremiah 21:14--22:1

21:14 But I will punish you as your deeds deserve,’

says the Lord.

‘I will set fire to your palace;

it will burn up everything around it.’”

22:1 The Lord told me, “Go down to the palace of the king of Judah. Give him a message from me there.

Jeremiah 22:5

22:5 But, if you do not obey these commands, I solemnly swear that this palace will become a pile of rubble. I, the Lord, affirm it!”

Jeremiah 22:8-9

22:8 “‘People from other nations will pass by this city. They will ask one another, “Why has the Lord done such a thing to this great city?” 22:9 The answer will come back, “It is because they broke their covenant with the Lord their God and worshiped and served other gods.”

Jeremiah 23:6

23:6 Under his rule Judah will enjoy safety

and Israel will live in security.

This is the name he will go by:

‘The Lord has provided us with justice.’

Jeremiah 23:11

23:11 Moreover, the Lord says,

“Both the prophets and priests are godless.

I have even found them doing evil in my temple!

Jeremiah 23:29-30

23:29 My message is like a fire that purges dross! It is like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces! I, the Lord, so affirm it! 23:30 So I, the Lord, affirm that I am opposed to those prophets who steal messages from one another that they claim are from me.

Jeremiah 23:34

23:34 I will punish any prophet, priest, or other person who says “The Lord’s message is burdensome.” I will punish both that person and his whole family.’”

Jeremiah 25:4

25:4 Over and over again the Lord has sent his servants the prophets to you. But you have not listened or paid attention.

Jeremiah 25:17

25:17 So I took the cup from the Lord’s hand. I made all the nations to whom he sent me drink the wine of his wrath.

Jeremiah 26:4

26:4 Tell them that the Lord says, ‘You must obey me! You must live according to the way I have instructed you in my laws.

Jeremiah 27:4

27:4 Charge them to give their masters a message from me. Tell them, ‘The Lord God of Israel who rules over all says to give your masters this message.

Jeremiah 28:2

28:2 “The Lord God of Israel who rules over all says, ‘I will break the yoke of servitude to the king of Babylon.

Jeremiah 28:5

28:5 Then the prophet Jeremiah responded to the prophet Hananiah in the presence of the priests and all the people who were standing in the Lord’s temple.

Jeremiah 28:9

28:9 So if a prophet prophesied peace and prosperity, it was only known that the Lord truly sent him when what he prophesied came true.”

Jeremiah 28:12-13

28:12 But shortly after the prophet Hananiah had broken the yoke off the prophet Jeremiah’s neck, the Lord spoke to Jeremiah. 28:13 “Go and tell Hananiah that the Lord says, ‘You have indeed broken the wooden yoke. But you have only succeeded in replacing it with an iron one!

Jeremiah 28:15

28:15 Then the prophet Jeremiah told the prophet Hananiah, “Listen, Hananiah! The Lord did not send you! You are making these people trust in a lie!

Jeremiah 29:4

29:4 “The Lord God of Israel who rules over all says to all those he sent into exile to Babylon from Jerusalem,

Jeremiah 29:9

29:9 They are prophesying lies to you and claiming my authority to do so. But I did not send them. I, the Lord, affirm it!’

Jeremiah 29:20

29:20 ‘So pay attention to what I, the Lord, have said, all you exiles whom I have sent to Babylon from Jerusalem.’

Jeremiah 30:9

30:9 But they will be subject to the Lord their God

and to the Davidic ruler whom I will raise up as king over them.

Jeremiah 30:23--31:1

30:23 Just watch! The wrath of the Lord

will come like a storm.

Like a raging storm it will rage down

on the heads of those who are wicked.

30:24 The anger of the Lord will not turn back

until he has fully carried out his intended purposes.

In days to come you will come to understand this.

31:1 At that time I will be the God of all the clans of Israel

and they will be my people.

I, the Lord, affirm it!”

Jeremiah 31:6

31:6 Yes, a time is coming

when watchmen will call out on the mountains of Ephraim,

“Come! Let us go to Zion

to worship the Lord our God!”’”

Jeremiah 31:27

Israel and Judah Will Be Repopulated

31:27 “Indeed, a time is coming,” says the Lord, “when I will cause people and animals to sprout up in the lands of Israel and Judah.

Jeremiah 31:31

31:31 “Indeed, a time is coming,” says the Lord, “when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and Judah.

Jeremiah 32:1

Jeremiah Buys a Field

32:1 In the tenth year that Zedekiah was ruling over Judah the Lord spoke to Jeremiah. That was the same as the eighteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar.

Jeremiah 32:15-17

32:15 For the Lord God of Israel who rules over all says, “Houses, fields, and vineyards will again be bought in this land.”’

Jeremiah’s Prayer of Praise and Bewilderment

32:16 “After I had given the copies of the deed of purchase to Baruch son of Neriah, I prayed to the Lord, 32:17 ‘Oh, Lord God, you did indeed make heaven and earth by your mighty power and great strength. Nothing is too hard for you!

Jeremiah 32:28

32:28 Therefore I, the Lord, say: ‘I will indeed hand this city over to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon and the Babylonian army. They will capture it.

Jeremiah 33:14

The Lord Reaffirms His Covenant with David, Israel, and Levi

33:14 “I, the Lord, affirm: ‘The time will certainly come when I will fulfill my gracious promise concerning the nations of Israel and Judah.

Jeremiah 33:16

33:16 Under his rule Judah will enjoy safety and Jerusalem will live in security. At that time Jerusalem will be called “The Lord has provided us with justice.”

Jeremiah 34:8

The Lord Threatens to Destroy Those Who Wronged Their Slaves

34:8 The Lord spoke to Jeremiah after King Zedekiah had made a covenant with all the people in Jerusalem to grant their slaves their freedom.

Jeremiah 35:2

35:2 “Go to the Rechabite community. Invite them to come into one of the side rooms of the Lord’s temple and offer them some wine to drink.”

Jeremiah 35:19

35:19 So the Lord God of Israel who rules over all says, ‘Jonadab son of Rechab will never lack a male descendant to serve me.’”

Jeremiah 36:11

36:11 Micaiah, who was the son of Gemariah and the grandson of Shaphan, heard Baruch read from the scroll everything the Lord had said.

Jeremiah 36:27

Baruch and Jeremiah Write Another Scroll

36:27 The Lord spoke to Jeremiah after Jehoiakim had burned the scroll containing what Jeremiah had spoken and Baruch had written down.

Jeremiah 37:2

37:2 Neither he nor the officials who served him nor the people of Judah paid any attention to what the Lord said through the prophet Jeremiah.

Jeremiah 38:3

38:3 They had also heard him say, “The Lord says, ‘This city will certainly be handed over to the army of the king of Babylon. They will capture it.’”

Jeremiah 38:21

38:21 But if you refuse to surrender, the Lord has shown me a vision of what will happen. Here is what I saw:

Jeremiah 39:8

39:8 The Babylonians burned down the royal palace, the temple of the Lord, and the people’s homes, and they tore down the wall of Jerusalem.

Jeremiah 39:17-18

39:17 But I will rescue you when it happens. I, the Lord, affirm it! You will not be handed over to those whom you fear. 39:18 I will certainly save you. You will not fall victim to violence. You will escape with your life because you trust in me. I, the Lord, affirm it!”’”

Jeremiah 40:2

40:2 The captain of the royal guard took Jeremiah aside and said to him, “The Lord your God threatened this place with this disaster.

Jeremiah 42:9

42:9 Then Jeremiah said to them, “You sent me to the Lord God of Israel to make your request known to him. Here is what he says to you:

Jeremiah 42:19

42:19 “The Lord has told you people who remain in Judah, ‘Do not go to Egypt.’ Be very sure of this: I warn you here and now.

Jeremiah 42:21

42:21 This day I have told you what he said. But you do not want to obey the Lord by doing what he sent me to tell you.

Jeremiah 47:7

47:7 But how can it rest

when I, the Lord, have given it orders?

I have ordered it to attack

the people of Ashkelon and the seacoast.

Jeremiah 48:10

48:10 A curse on anyone who is lax in doing the Lord’s work!

A curse on anyone who keeps from carrying out his destruction!

Jeremiah 48:15

48:15 Moab will be destroyed. Its towns will be invaded.

Its finest young men will be slaughtered.

I, the King, the Lord who rules over all, affirm it!

Jeremiah 48:30

48:30 I, the Lord, affirm that I know how arrogant they are.

But their pride is ill-founded.

Their boastings will prove to be false.

Jeremiah 48:47

48:47 Yet in days to come

I will reverse Moab’s ill fortune.”

says the Lord.

The judgment against Moab ends here.

Jeremiah 49:15

49:15 The Lord says to Edom,

“I will certainly make you small among nations.

I will make you despised by all humankind.

Jeremiah 49:26

49:26 For her young men will fall in her city squares.

All her soldiers will be destroyed at that time,”

says the Lord who rules over all.

Jeremiah 49:35

49:35 The Lord who rules over all said,

“I will kill all the archers of Elam,

who are the chief source of her military might.

Jeremiah 50:21

50:21 The Lord says,

“Attack the land of Merathaim

and the people who live in Pekod!

Pursue, kill, and completely destroy them!

Do just as I have commanded you!

Jeremiah 50:30

50:30 So her young men will fall in her city squares.

All her soldiers will be destroyed at that time,”

says the Lord.

Jeremiah 50:35

50:35 “Destructive forces will come against the Babylonians,” says the Lord.

“They will come against the people who inhabit Babylonia,

against her leaders and her men of wisdom.

Jeremiah 51:48

51:48 Then heaven and earth and all that is in them

will sing for joy over Babylon.

For destroyers from the north will attack it,”

says the Lord.

Jeremiah 51:51-52

51:51 ‘We are ashamed because we have been insulted.

Our faces show our disgrace.

For foreigners have invaded

the holy rooms in the Lord’s temple.’

51:52 Yes, but the time will certainly come,” says the Lord,

“when I will punish her idols.

Throughout her land the mortally wounded will groan.

Jeremiah 52:13

52:13 He burned down the Lord’s temple, the royal palace, and all the houses in Jerusalem, including every large house.