Jeremiah 1:18

1:18 I, the Lord, hereby promise to make you as strong as a fortified city, an iron pillar, and a bronze wall. You will be able to stand up against all who live in the land, including the kings of Judah, its officials, its priests and all the people of the land.

Jeremiah 51:12

51:12 Give the signal to attack Babylon’s wall!

Bring more guards!

Post them all around the city!

Put men in ambush!

For the Lord will do what he has planned.

He will do what he said he would do to the people of Babylon.

Jeremiah 51:58

51:58 This is what the Lord who rules over all says,

“Babylon’s thick wall will be completely demolished.

Her high gates will be set on fire.

The peoples strive for what does not satisfy.

The nations grow weary trying to get what will be destroyed.”