Judges 4:20

4:20 He said to her, “Stand watch at the entrance to the tent. If anyone comes along and asks you, ‘Is there a man here?’ say ‘No.’”

Judges 8:8

8:8 He went up from there to Penuel and made the same request. The men of Penuel responded the same way the men of Succoth had.

Judges 11:29

A Foolish Vow Spells Death for a Daughter

11:29 The Lord’s spirit empowered Jephthah. He passed through Gilead and Manasseh and went to Mizpah in Gilead. From there he approached the Ammonites.

Judges 14:10

14:10 Then Samson’s father accompanied him to Timnah for the marriage. Samson hosted a party there, for this was customary for bridegrooms to do.

Judges 17:7

Micah Hires a Professional

17:7 There was a young man from Bethlehem in Judah. He was a Levite who had been temporarily residing among the tribe of Judah.

Judges 18:15

18:15 They stopped there, went inside the young Levite’s house (which belonged to Micah), and asked him how he was doing.

Judges 19:2

19:2 However, she got angry at him and went home to her father’s house in Bethlehem in Judah. When she had been there four months,

Judges 19:28

19:28 He said to her, “Get up, let’s leave!” But there was no response. He put her on the donkey and went home.

Judges 21:4

21:4 The next morning the people got up early and built an altar there. They offered up burnt sacrifices and token of peace.

Judges 21:14

21:14 The Benjaminites returned at that time, and the Israelites gave to them the women they had spared from Jabesh Gilead. But there were not enough to go around.