Judges 3:14

3:14 The Israelites were subject to King Eglon of Moab for eighteen years.

Judges 4:23

4:23 That day God humiliated King Jabin of Canaan before the Israelites.

Judges 9:10

9:10 “So the trees said to the fig tree, ‘You come and be our king!’

Judges 9:12

9:12 “So the trees said to the grapevine, ‘You come and be our king!’

Judges 9:14

9:14 “So all the trees said to the thornbush, ‘You come and be our king!’

Judges 17:6

17:6 In those days Israel had no king. Each man did what he considered to be right.

Judges 21:25

21:25 In those days Israel had no king. Each man did what he considered to be right.