Judges 11:11

11:11 So Jephthah went with the leaders of Gilead. The people made him their leader and commander. Jephthah repeated the terms of the agreement before the Lord in Mizpah.

Judges 11:23

11:23 Since the Lord God of Israel has driven out the Amorites before his people Israel, do you think you can just take it from them?

Judges 20:1

Civil War Breaks Out

20:1 All the Israelites from Dan to Beer Sheba and from the land of Gilead left their homes and assembled together before the Lord at Mizpah.

Judges 20:22

20:22 The Israelite army took heart and once more arranged their battle lines, in the same place where they had taken their positions the day before.

Judges 20:36

20:36 Then the Benjaminites saw they were defeated.

The Israelites retreated before Benjamin, because they had confidence in the men they had hid in ambush outside Gibeah.

Judges 20:42

20:42 They retreated before the Israelites, taking the road to the wilderness. But the battle overtook them as men from the surrounding cities struck them down.