Isaiah 9:14

9:14 So the Lord cut off Israel’s head and tail,

both the shoots and stalk in one day.

Isaiah 12:6

12:6 Cry out and shout for joy, O citizens of Zion,

for the Holy One of Israel acts mightily among you!”

Isaiah 17:7

17:7 At that time men will trust in their creator;

they will depend on the Holy One of Israel.

Isaiah 18:1

The Lord Will Judge a Distant Land in the South

18:1 The land of buzzing wings is as good as dead,

the one beyond the rivers of Cush,

Isaiah 23:10

23:10 Daughter Tarshish, travel back to your land, as one crosses the Nile;

there is no longer any marketplace in Tyre.

Isaiah 30:7

30:7 Egypt is totally incapable of helping.

For this reason I call her

‘Proud one who is silenced.’”

Isaiah 30:11

30:11 Turn aside from the way,

stray off the path.

Remove from our presence the Holy One of Israel.”

Isaiah 40:23

40:23 He is the one who reduces rulers to nothing;

he makes the earth’s leaders insignificant.

Isaiah 41:24

41:24 Look, you are nothing, and your accomplishments are nonexistent;

the one who chooses to worship you is disgusting.

Isaiah 43:25

43:25 I, I am the one who blots out your rebellious deeds for my sake;

your sins I do not remember.

Isaiah 51:14

51:14 The one who suffers will soon be released;

he will not die in prison,

he will not go hungry.

Isaiah 56:8

56:8 The sovereign Lord says this,

the one who gathers the dispersed of Israel:

“I will still gather them up.”